Music of Joe Euro
Yes…another LIVE “Candlelight Concert…coming right up…Thursday, March 27th 7:00 PM ONE SET ONLY
Thursday, March 27th 7:00 PM

Yes…another LIVE “Candlelight Concert…coming right up…Thursday, March 27th, 2025 7:00 PM ONE SET ONLY

Trinity-United Methodist Church. 609 Taylor St., Port Townsend, WA
A lovely venue with superb Acoustics!! Thursday March 27th, 2025 7:00PM

Joe Euro live “Candlelight Concert” Thursday, March 27th, 2025 7:00 PM Trinity united Methodist Church 9not a religious event) 609 Taylor St. “Uptown” Port Townsend

Joe Euro live “Candlelight Concert” Thursday, March 27th, 2025 7:00 PM
Trinity united Methodist Church 9not a religious event)
609 Taylor St. “Uptown” Port Townsend
Joe was LIVE at a Fundraiser for the Community Chorus…
at the AMERICAN LEGION HALL! at Water and Monroe Streets, downtown Port Townsend
Tuesday (FAT TUESDAY) March 4th!!

American Legion Hall, Port Townsend. Joe Euro was part of an array of various LIVE entertainers at a Fundraiser on FAT TUESDAY, March 4th, 2025 6:30 or so

American Legion Hall, Port Townsend. Joe Euro was part of an array of various LIVE entertainers at a Fundraiser on FAT TUESDAY, March 4th, 2025 6:30 or so

Joe Euro, Finger-Style Instrumental Guitarist was LIVE once again at this beautiful country Winery Saturday, March 1st, 2025 2-4 (Indoors…this time…) WARM AND COZY!!)
Saturday March 1st, 2025...I was LIVE once again at Marrowstone Vineyards…2-4 INDOORS…all cozy and warm…
stay tuned for more dates at this lovely setting this summer!!
Joe was LIVE at a Fundraiser for the Community Chorus…
at the AMERICAN LEGION HALL! at Water and Monroe Streets, downtown Port Townsend
Tuesday (FAT TUESDAY) March 4th!!

American Legion Hall, Port Townsend. Joe Euro was part of an array of various LIVE entertainers at a Fundraiser on FAT TUESDAY, March 4th, 2025 6:30 or so

Joe Euro, performing LIVE at Marrowstone Vineyards INDOORS Saturday, March 1st 2-4 and Tuesday, March 4th at The American Legion Hall…6:30
link to my recent concert:
My Candlelight Benefit Concert…this past year (2024)…my chosen charity was Dove House. (and I recently played a gig there too…)
The way it works…these Candlelight Concerts started after the Nisqually earthquake a number of years ago knocked this historic building a bit off it’s foundation. They started these to help assemble a building fund.
Now, 1/2 the proceeds go to the artist’s chosen charity…the other 1/2 goes to their building fund.
1870 church needs a lot of TLC on a regular basis. As far as I understand…the proceeds do not go directly to this religion.
And BTW the artists (including myself…and I’ve done these benefit concerts now for around 13-14 years…and have personally raised probably well over $10,000-$15,000 for the various local charities I’ve chosen to support with my music through these concerts …) the artists..including me, receive no compensation for our time and talent…..but I, along with the other performers at these events gain a great deal of joy and “good Karma” (we hope…) by doing these events, and sharing our music!
I had some of my CDs there tho…although folks aren’t buying CDs nearly as much as they used to…most folks just stream music these days…but there are some small royalties punch in Joe Euro on your favorite streaming music site…create a “Joe Euro radio” or station…which will let you listen to some of my stuff, along with other artists it determines are perhaps similar in some ways…
LIVE “Finger-style” Guitarist! Joe Euro
Link to the LIVE stream of this and some other past concerts:
Thursday’s 9/26/24 concert with me…your’s truly, Joe Euro…is up and running here, and there’s several past concerts there as well…
Tell your “Smart Speaker” to “PLAY JOE EURO”or play The High Road, Eyes On The Horizon…or Souvenir etc. etc. by Joe Euro...Alexa knows me…we’re old friends….lol…you can request individual tracks you might want to hear by me such as midnight Watch, or Alone Among Angels…as well whole CDs…such as The High Road; Eyes On The Horizon, Souvenir, and/or Holiday Cheer (and there’s some tracks there that are not necessarily holiday…tunes…such as Winter Sunrise; Greensleeves, Simple Gifts, and more)
And one more detail…Even tho we mostly think of me as a guitarist…I have been playing piano since before I played guitar.
Guitar/Piano combinations…
just FYI…You may notice a fair amount of piano/guitar combinations on my CDs…
(In trying to create my “masterpieces…lol) I not only added piano to some of my guitar compositions/recordings…a number of my compositions are actually piano pieces that I added guitar to…through the studio sorcery of overdubbing…
on my High Road CD…check out Siena Sojurn…that’s me on piano!
I also added piano to “Child’s Play” on that CD…and a number of other tracks…
On “Eyes On The Horizon“…and Souvenir…there’s a fair bit of piano, either added to guitar composition such as the title track, Souvenir…or piano compositions with my guitar work added such as The Last Word…No Place Like Rome…and In Your Dreams…I don’t bring a piano when I play LIVE….so you will rarely hear or see me playing piano…
they’re often not really in tune…and I like to say “I’m not a good enough piano player to make THAT somewhat out of tune piano sound good…”
but listen for the piano stuff on my recordings while you’re at it…cheers!
my Music is also available on most streaming sights…AMAZON; PANDORA; SPOTIFY and more…just tell your “smart speaker” to “Play Joe Euro” or even name a specific CD or track to play…

Link to the LIVE stream of this and some other past concerts: This Thursday’s concert with me will be up and running here a little before the show starts @ 7:00 Be there in person!! Or LIVE stream here, or tune in to the LIVE simulcast KPTZ 91.9 FM

This is where Joe’s (and other’s) Candlelight Concerts are held.
United Trinity Methodist Church, 609 Taylor St. “Uptown” Port Townsend, WA 7:00 PM Live Stream link here…and Live simulcast on local FM 91.9 KPTZ

Joe Euro…here at the lovely Marrowstone Vineyards…he’ll be here again on Saturday, March 1st, 2025 2-4 INDOORS

Joe Euro, Finger-Style Instrumental Guitarist was LIVE once again (actually twice again….) at this beautiful country Winery…THIS past SUMMER 2024
Joe was LIVE twice this summer for Sunday afternoon shows…
1-4 August 18th!! and July 14th, 2024 there was a fabulous, great and appreciative crowd on 2 gorgeous summer afternoons…!!)
Joe Euro, Finger-Style Instrumental Guitarist will be LIVE at this beautiful country Winery THIS SUMMER 2 Sundays from 1-4 .
Joe Euro took his usual set at the fabulous Wooden Boat Festival again this year!! Sunday Morning, September 8th, 2024…started around 10:30ish and played till around high noon!
Wine Not hire guitarist Joe Euro for your next function of celebration…
Joe Euro played his guitar stylings at the Port Townsend Brewery on “Cinco de Mayo”…(May 5th) 2024
He was also at Port Townsend Vineyards downtown venue…Vintage! On May 30th! 2024 from 4-6
2 recent really fun events…plus Joe Euro just played a couple of weddings this past summer as well…(yes…Joe does play weddings…)
Joe was LIVE twice this summer for 2 Sunday afternoon shows…he loves playing outside on Marrowstone Vineyards’ welcoming deck…
1-4 July 14th and August 18th!!
back to home page
Joe Euro took his usual set at the fabulous Wooden Boat Festival again this year!! Sunday Morning, September 8th…starting around 10:30ish and playing till around high noon!

Joe Euro will perform another Benefit concert at Trinity United Methodist Church on Thursday, September 26th, 2024 at 7:00 PM for one long set only..
Candlelight Concert….
Thursday, September 26th, 2024, 7:00 PM
Link to the LIVE stream of this and some other past concerts:
This Thursday’s concert with me will be up and running here a little before the show starts @ 7:00 Be there in person!!
Or LIVE stream here, or tune in to the LIVE simulcast KPTZ 91.9 FM

Thursday Evening, September 26th, 2024 at 7:00 PM for one long set only…– Trinity United Methodist Church in Port Townsend, WA (
United Trinity Methodist Church, 609 Taylor St. “Uptown” Port Townsend
Joe was booked to play at the Jefferson County Library(the one in Hadlock)…Thursday, December 14th for their Holiday Open House! 3-6 FREE…great crowd of appreciative folks enjoying my instrumental guitar and the fabulous spread of foods and desserts…
Finger-Style Instrumental Guitarist was LIVE once again at the fabulous
WOODEN BOAT FESTIVAL!! and he was there again this year…2024. Sunday Morning, September 8th 10:30ish (officially 11 AM) till around high noon…

Joe was booked to play at the Jefferson County Library(the one in Hadlock)…Thursday, December 14th for their Holiday Open House! FREE…great crowd of appreciative folks enjoying my instrumental guitar and the fabulous spread of foods and desserts…
Joe Euro was back LIVE once again at the fabulous 2023 Wooden Boat Festival’s Mainstage in his usual time slot,
Joe will be there again 2024, September 8th 10:30ish till high noon!

Joe’s classic wooden sedan cruiser. 1947 Matthews 40, St. Brendan…with his lovely wife, Katy welcoming folks from the spacious aft deck…
This was the 46th Annual Wooden Boat Festival…and Joe has performed there just about every year…
Joe Euro performed another Benefit concert at Trinity United Methodist Church on Thursday, September 26th, 2024 at 7:00 PM for one long set only…
Joe Euro performed another benefit LIVE “Candlelight Concert” in 2023…
links to these videos of these entire concert below: just fast forward through the opening “Yakkity-yak to the music…
Joe Euro 2023 – Trinity United Methodist Church in Port Townsend, WA (
Past: April 27th, 2023 at Trinity United Methodist Church, 609 Taylor St. “Uptown” Port Townsend 7:00 PM click here to see and hear Joe’s Candlelight Concerts…

Thursday Evening, September 26th, 2024 at 7:00 PM for one long set only…– Trinity United Methodist Church in Port Townsend, WA (
United Trinity Methodist Church, 609 Taylor St. “Uptown” Port Townsend

Joe Euro will be performing another Benefit “Candlelight Concert September 26th, 2024 here’s a link to last year’s Candlelight Concert… Joe Euro 2023 – Trinity United Methodist Church in Port Townsend, WA (

Joe Euro Music tell your “smart Speaker” to “Play Joe Euro” …it usually goes right there…LIVE Candlelight Concert Thursday, April 27th, 2023 Joe Euro 2023 – Trinity United Methodist Church in Port Townsend, WA (
Joe Euro, Finger-Style Instrumental Guitarist was LIVE once again, actually twice again at this beautiful country Winery
2 Sundays…1-4, July 14th and August 18th , 2024

Saw this chalk board in front of my stage at end of Friday gig (Marrowstone Vineyards/Valentine’s Weekend) …as people came up to buy CDs (which BTW…are now only $5 each…) Curiously…everyone seemed to call me by name…as they came up to fill my tip jar and/or pick up a few of my CDs…then saw this chalk board… wonder…I didn’t see this board as I came in from the barn doors behind me…
— at Marrowstone Vineyards.
Joe Euro brought his unique and varied instrumental guitar stylings to the lovely Marrowstone Vineyards for 2 days in a row over Valentine’s Day weekend! Friday AND Saturday February 10th and 11th
Fridays show was quite well attended…and Saturday’s show was totally SOLD OUT! (did they come for me…or the red wine and chocolates..???)

Joe Euro, Finger-Style Instrumental Guitarist will be LIVE once again at this beautiful country Winery THIS SUMMER August, 2023 the 12th, 19th and September 2nd, 2023 5-8 all 3 nights!

Joe Euro, Finger-Style Instrumental Guitarist was LIVE once again at this beautiful country Winery THIS SUMMER August, 2023 12th, 19th and September 2nd , 2023 5-8
You can “Stream” much of Joe Euro’s recorded music on various platforms such as Spotify; Pandora; AmazonMusic; YouTube; iTunes; Rhapsody…and maybe more! Just punch in Joe Euro and see if Joe’s music is available there…steam, enjoy…listen to just Joe Euro’s music…or create your own “Joe Euro Station” to hear Joe Euro and other similar music styles in the algorithm…CD’s (remember those..??) also available…
Tell your “Smart Speaker” to “Play Joe Euro”….
Joe is available for private parties, weddings and various gatherings…including “House Concerts”…
Call or text Joe direct at 360-301-1221 or email Joe at

Joe Euro’s 3 commercially made CDs NOW on SALE at 1/2 price…YES, get Joe’s CDs; The High Road; Eyes ON The Horizon and Souvenir for only $4.99 each!!! (were $10 each, and $15 each when they first came out)
Joe Euro was back LIVE once again at the fabulous 2023 Wooden Boat Festival’s Mainstage in his usual time slot,

only available at Joe’s shop or by mail…Through The Years is a compilation of tracks from previously recorded material, by Joe and also with David Michael and Benji Werthheimer. only $9.99 at Joe’s shop, The Wine Seller
tell your smart speaker to “PLAY JOE EURO”

Joe Euro’s Holiday Cheer CD , or copies at the shop. at only $9.99 Digital Download Cards at The Wine Seller too. only $2.99 each
Streaming as well on most platforms…
WOODEN BOAT FEST…Joe Euro performed LIVE on the Mainstage of the fabulous Wooden Boat Festival Sunday morning…September 11th, 2022 and will be there again, in 2023!! Sunday, September 10th, 2023 to be exact…
Sunday morning, September 10th, 202311:00 AM…(usually Joe is able to start a bit earlier too..,around 10:30…if he and the sound guy are all set up) and Joe will be there again this September, 2023 the 10th…same time slot…Joe has been a Sunday morning “fixture” there for many years now…
Joe Euro also has a Wooden Boat, St. Brendan…a 1947 Matthews 40′ Sedan Cruiser that was in the show this year as well…Joe found his boat, St. Brendan at this Wooden Boat Fest back in 2012.
and hope you caught Joe Euro LIVE…SUNDAY MORNING on the MainStage of WoodenBoat Fest!
September 11th, 2022
and will be there again, in 2023!! Sunday, September 10th, 2023 to be exact…

That’s Joe’s 1947 Wood Matthews Sedan Cruiser at a previous Wooden Boat Fest…Besides often performing at The Wooden Boat Festival in Port Townsend, Joe has entered his classic 1947 Matthews wooden sedan cruiser in the festival a number of times! Joe actually found St. Brendan at the 2012 Wooden Boat Fest…for sale…and Joe couldn’t shake it off! By February of 2013, Joe was buying her!

Joe Euro’s Classic 1947 Wooden 40′ boat, St. Brendan…at the Classic Yacht Association show at Bell Harbor, Seattle, Joe is a member of the CYA and has had St. Brendan in the show there several times.

on the Mainstage of Wooden Boat Fest…a few years back. Playing his Yamaha “Silent Guitar”( …not really silent when plugged in…sounds great actually!!)

Joe playing on the aft deck of his 1947 Matthews for a few folks gathered on the dock...Joe actually runs a cord into the house stereo system with 4 speakers, inside and out.
Recent past gigs…
Joe Euro was LIVE once again at the beautiful and bucolic setting of Marrowstone Vineyards…on Marrowstone Island on Meade Rd.
Joe was back at Marrowstone Vineyards again THIS past SUMMER too, 2024!!
Joe will be LIVE at Marrowstone Vineyards Winter Concert Series…Saturday, March 1st, 2025 from 2-4 or so…(indoors…)
as well as July 23rd…2022
Joe played at Marrowstone Vineyards on July 23rd, 2022. Last minute “Covid Cancellation” as Joe had just returned form the Andy McKee Guitar “Musicarium” in Cambria California the night before…getting to work with and enjoy perfromances by some of Joe’s Guitar Heroes…like Andy McKee; Calum Graham; Mike Dawes/;Christie Lenee’, Trevor Gordon Hall…and more…what an amazing time!!
Joe got the text from James at Marrowstone…and “duty called”… Joe made it out there to do a show! hope you were part of the enthusiastic crowd that was there…
Tell your “Smart Speaker” to

LIVE EVENT, May 15th,2022 SUNDAY from 11-2 for Sunday Brunch . Spirits Bar & Grill for a sumptuous Brunch and tasty LIVE instrumental guitar
Joe recently played an Easter Sunday Brunch, April 17th, 2022 at Alchemy Bistro, Guitarist Joe Euro LIVE!!! a fabulous Easter Brunch and Joe Euro’s Acoustic Finger-Style Guitar! All Instrumental Neo-Classical; some Classical, some lite jazz; Originals and more… noon-6…Alchemy Bistro 842 Washington St. Port Townsend
Stay tuned for possible new dates at this fine eatery in Port Townsend…

Joe played at an Easter Sunday Brunch, April 17th, 2022 at Alchemy Bistro, Guitarist Joe Euro LIVE!!! a fabulous Easter Brunch and Joe Euro’s Acoustic Finger-Style Guitar! All Instrumental Neo-Classical; some Classical, some lite jazz; Originals and more… noon-6… Alchemy Bistro 842 Washington St. Port Townsend. Stay tuned for more LIVE Joe Euro here

You didn’t miss my Concert afterall…it’s right here! Here’s the link to my recent Candlelight Concert..March 24th, 2022 click here
2 LIVE gigs, back to back: Candlelight Concert, March 24th, (thursday) 7:00PM at Trinity United Methodist Church, 609 Taylor St. “Uptown” Port Townsend, WA.
Friday, March 25th Joe was LIVE at Port Townsend Vineyards “downtown” venue. From 4:30-6:30…
Friday, March 25th at “Vintage”, Port Townsend Vineyards’ downtown venue, 725 Water Street. 4:30-6:30
LIVE Instrumental Guitar and Vino!!
2 recent opportunities to hear and see me, “Finger-Style”/ “Neo-Classical” guitarist, Joe Euro. 1st a concert, then at a Club. Hope you didn’t miss them…but in case you did…or wish to see and hear Joe’s Candlelight Concert again…check out the links and info below.
But wait…there’s still a chance…
You didn’t miss my Concert afterall…it’s right here!
THIS LINK IS DOWN and we’re working on getting it back up soon…check back to see and hear my March 24th, 2022 Candelight Concert!
Here’s the link to my recent Candlelight Concert..March 24th, 2022 so, no worries, you didn’t really miss it, or watch/listen again even if you were there! fast forward thru the opening “yakkity-yak” if you want to get right to the music! And of course, there is a link to donate to the charity I chose to support. Bayside Housing, that helps homeless folks.
Here’s the link to my January 2021 Concert too… both are presented “warts n all” with more “flubs” than I wanted, but oh well…enjoy! And, if and/or when you listen/watch…please do so with some decent speakers or headphones
Joe performed another of these Candlelight Concerts LIVE (with an actual audience this time…) On Thursday, March 24th, 2022

I played my guitars here, LIVE…at Port Townsend Vineyards “Vintage” downtown venue on Friday, March 25th from 4:30-6:30…with encores from the “Full House” very appreciative and enthusiastic crowd, I played till after 7…
Tell your “Smart Speaker” to

Joe Euro’s “Guitarsenal” of various instruments…all tuned differently. From DADGAD to CGDDAD to G tuning, to standard EADGBE or sometimes with a “drop low D”. Don’t worry about it…Joe’s on top of the tunings…He’s an “In Tune” kinda guy! click here

Joe performed another of these Candlelight Concerts LIVE (with an actual audience this time..!!) On Thursday, March 24th, 2022 was live Streamed AND Simulcast on FM 91,9 KPTZ click here
LIVE…Live streamed AND Simulcast on KPTZ radio 91.9 FM

Trinity-United Methodist Church. 609 Taylor St., Port Townsend, WA
A lovely venue with superb Acoustics click here for more info and link to LIVE Stream

Joe performed another of these Candlelight Concerts LIVE (with an actual audience this time…Encore and STANDING OVATION…Huge thanx to all that came, LISTENED AND WATCHED ONLINE AND/OR THROUGH kptz) On Thursday, March 24th, 2022 click here for more info
Joe played his guitars here, too…LIVE…at Port Townsend Vineyards “Vintage” downtown venue on Friday, March 25th from 4:30-6:30 Great full house crowd…very appreciative…encores kept me playing till after 7…
Recent LIVE EVENT, May 15th,2022 SUNDAY from 11-2 for Sunday Brunch . Spirits Bar & Grill for a sumptuous Brunch and tasty LIVE instrumental guitar music !

Joe Euro at a recent LIVE concert at Marrowstone Vineyards,I’ll be back at Marrowstone again this summer for 2 nights in August! the 19th and 20th…Friday & Saturday 5-8

Marrowstone Vineyards. Joe will be back at Marrowstone again this summer for 2 nights in August! the 19th and 20th…Friday & Saturday 5-8

this is Guuitarist Joe Euro on the Mainstage of Wooden Boat Festival, 2019,, Joe was scheduled for Wooden Boat in 2021 (2020 was of course cancelled too…but the Festival was cancelled due to Covid concerns. Joe performed there again this year 2022 on Sunday, September 11th. Joe began playing around 10:30 ish AM to to do a nice long set…

Joe Euro on the Mainstage of Wooden Boat Festival, 2018
And hope you didn’t miss Joe’s shows at the Port Townsend Plaza for several “Buskers on the Block” and Art Pieces Dedication…or at Marrowstone Vineyards, July 24th, 2021… and a HUGE THNX to the lovely crowd that made it! Marrowstone Vineyards ..and YES…we do sell their fabulous wines at my shop in Port Townsend, The Wine Seller

Wine Seller Proprietor/ Guitarist/ Recording Artist, Joe Euro performing LIVE at the Port Townsend Plaza several dates recently…
Joe Euro was LIVE once again at the beautiful and bucolic setting of Marrowstone Vineyards…on Marrowstone Island on Meade Rd.
Friday & Saturday, August 19th & 20th, 2022 from 5 till 8 hope you made it!!
click here to watch, listen…and hopefully enjoy Joe Euro’s Live concert January, 2021…still available!
Joe Euro’s LIVE STREAMED Candlelight Concert January 28th, 2021…still available to watch and/or just listen to here…
Hope you didn’t miss this show…if so, or you simply would like to see and hear it again…! It’s all still up there, to watch, listen to and hopefully enjoy…again!
UPDATE: THE ENTIRE CONCERT…WARTS AND ALL…INCLUDING THE PRE-SHOW SOUND AND LIGHT CHECK …??? is still up and available to watch and listen to! YAY!! You can fast forward through that “sound and light check” or to your favorite tunes…
watch my entire Candlelight Concert from January 28. 2021
Joe performed a LIVE Streamed Concert on January 28th, 2021 at 7:00PM Pacific Standard Time… click here shortly before the show for a link to join in this LIVE STREAMING EVENT/CONCERT with Joe Euro
Joe performed another of these Candlelight Concerts LIVE (with an actual audience this time..) On Thursday, March 24th, 2022
played an Encore and received a STANDING OVATION!!
Tell your “Smart Speaker” to
click here for more info
Joe Euro LIVE STREAMED Candlelight Concert January 28th 7:00 PM (PST)
Hope you didn’t miss it!!
but if you did….fear not! it seems to still be up and online, scroll down or hit the Candlelight Concerts link there should you wish to donate to the worthy causes these concerts support. there’s a PayPal link and a mailing address if you just want to send in a check. Suggested donation is $10 pp.
click here to go to Joe Euro’s Benefit Candlelight Concert 1/28/21
Joe Euro Music
stay tuned to see where
Joe Euro will be performing next…??

I played my guitars here, LIVE…at Port Townsend Vineyards “Vintage” downtown venue on Friday, March 25th from 4:30-6:30
back to Wine Seller home page
Joe performed another of these Candlelight Concerts LIVE (with an actual audience this time…) On Thursday, March 24th, 2022 click here for info
Candlelight Concert. Thursday, January 28th, 2021 LIVE STREAMED and still available to watch and listen to…
Here’s some info from the Concert Venue:
We kicked off the first of several great Candlelight Concerts on January 28th 2021 at 7:00 PM, with Joe Euro providing an evening of Neo-classical / Classical / Finger-style guitar.
Joe performed another of these Candlelight Concerts LIVE (with an actual audience this time…) On Thursday, March 24th, 2022 click here for details
in the meantime…you can stream and/or download Joe’s music on Spotify; Amazon music; CD BABY; Napster; iTunes, YouTube and more
Also, Joe Euro’s 3 main commercially produced CD’s, The High Road; Eyes On The Horizon and Souvenir are currently on a 1/2 price $ALE at Joe’s retail shop, The Wine Seller in Port Townsend, WA for only $4.99 each right now…($2.50 each S/H)
Tell your “Smart Speaker” to
Joe Euro LIVE All instrumental, acoustic, classical/neo-classical originals, lite jazz and a few “covers”. Guitarist Joe Euro’s LIVE instrumental, “finger-style”, classical, neo-classical acoustic guitar, and a few lite jazz standards too…
Have a Wine and LIVE Guitar party…when it’s safe to do so again…
Call Joe...360-385-7673 or text or call at 360-301-1221
email Joe Euro music
… Wine Not consider hiring Joe Euro for your event or dinner party…when life gets back to some sort of normal…
LIVE Instrumental guitar will surely enhance any gathering…
Joe does lots of private and corporate dinner parties, anniversary, birthday Parties and… being a Classically trained guitarist as well…as such…he plays a fair amount of weddings!! Ceremonies and Receptions.
Joe has even played at a number of Memorial services as well…
360-385-7673 or 360-301-1221 cell (text OK)
email Joe Euro @
Candlelight Concert, Thursday Evening, March 24th, 2022 7:00 PM ONE big SET ONLY
Thursday, March 24th,2022 click here for more info
This is Joe Euro performing at a recent Candlelight Concert
Joe Euro performed another Benefit Concert LIVE, Thursday evening, March 24th, 2022
Concert Recordings
Newer piece I call “Moving On”…recording LIVE at my recent Candlelight Concert in late January. A little rough..(My own worst critic) but is what it is. Not the best recording quality…(an iPhone) need to get to the recording studio.
Posted by Joe Euro Music on Sunday, February 2, 2020Still a “work in progress”

This is the lovely old (1870) church where Joe’s Candlelight Concerts are held. (however..this is NOT a Religious Event) Joe Euro performed another Candlelight Concert here on March 24th,2022 (a Thursday evening) 7:00 PM
This is where Joe’s Candlelight Concerts are held. (Joe’s actually done 11 of these now, since 2009)
United Trinity Methodist Church, 609 Taylor St. “Uptown” Port Townsend, WA. Thursday Eve.
Joe Euro will be performing another Candlelight Concert here on March 24th,2022 (a Thursday evening) at 7:00 PM ONE SET ONLY (but a long one) …and while at a beautiful, Victorian late 1800’s church, with a magical feel for a solo, instrumental guitar concert…and amazing acoustics…this is NOT a Religious Event. (unless you have some sort of religious experience while listening to Joe’s heavenly, instrumental guitar…)

Joe Euro performed another Benefit Concert LIVE, Thursday evening, March 24th, 2022

Part of Joe’s “Guitarsenal”…
Joe Euro performed another Benefit Concert LIVE, Thursday evening, March 24th, 2022

Joe Euro has played at Wooden Boat Fest, Port Townsend every year for around 25 years now!
Joe was… LIVE (once again…for about the 25th year…in a row!) at the Port Townsend WOODEN BOAT FEST 2019 once again…didn’t happen these past 2 years tho…
Standing Ovation!!
Joe Euro was LIVE once again at the beautiful and bucolic setting of Marrowstone Vineyards…on Marrowstone Island on Meade Rd.
Friday & Saturday, August 19th & 20th, 2022 THIS SUMMER from 5 till 8 hope you made it!!
hope you didn’t miss his sets there, or any of the 3 performances at Marrowstone Vineyards this past summer!! (and yes…we sell their delicious wines at The Wine Seller too…!!!)
Here’s a version a Vince Geraldi piece from my shows at Marrowstone Winery Summer 2019 and some other stuff too…
A little variations on a Vince Gauraldi fave…Linus & Lucy. LIVE
Posted by Joe Euro Music on Tuesday, September 3, 2019
Stay tuned for other upcoming LIVE performances by Joe Euro…and hopefully some new recordings soon!! Joe will be performing again THIS summer at Marrowstone Vineyards…
Friday & Saturday, August 19th & 20th, 2022 THIS SUMMER from 5 till 8 hope you can make it!! (NOTE PLEASE…THE DATES HAVE BEEN CHANGED FROM WHAT THEY WERE LISTED AS TO ACCOMADATE A BOAT TRIP…)
Joe Euro at a recent LIVE concert
Hear/see Joe’s varied repertoire of Instrumental, Acoustic Original “Neo-Classical” Compositions, (some in the style of guitar greats such as Michael Hedges; Wil Ackerman; Andy McKee; Billy McClaughlin, Andre’ Segovia, Christopher Parkening, Charlie Byrd…etc. often in “Open Tunings” such as DADGAD with a “reach over” tapping” technique that is as much fun to see as to hear!)…Some of Joe’s lite jazz arrangements, and some actual Classical/Spanish Style Guitar pieces! And a few of Joe’s “Spacey” Ambient pieces too!
STREAMING on many online sites such as Amazon MUSIC; SPOTIFY…and more!!
CD’s now only $4.99 and Download cards (only $2…)
available thru Joe Euro direct, at The Wine Seller, or through these links: cd baby, Amazon, Apple Music/iTunes…YouTube, both hard copy CD’s, downloadable and streaming. Also “Streaming” on iTunes/Apple Music; Napster; Spotify, Amazon Music…and more..(click on a CD cover and have a listen, or order individual tracks or the whole CD)
Tell your “Smart Speaker” to
Through The Years…formerly titled as “SAMPLER” $9.99 only available locally at Joe’s shop, The Wine Seller, or can be shipped. (2.50 S/H)
“Sampler” some new stuff, some out of the “Archives” 5 new tracks, 5 with various artists from previous works that prominently featured my guitar playing…Celtic harpist, David Michael, Esraj and Tabla virtuoso, Benji Werthheimer, the late Randy Meade on flutes, Raven, on Native American flute and more…”Rescued” from historic recordings of 15-25 years ago!
Joe Euro’s Music is also available to stream or purchase from Amazon Music; Spotify; iTunes; Rhapsody…and more
Joe Euro’s Holiday Cheer CD, which has only been available locally in hard copy, is now available to download and “Stream” through our friends at Pandora, Spotify, Amazon Music, YouTube, Rhapsody, Napster, Apple Music, iTunes and more…
Download cards available of 4 (all except ‘Sampler) of Joe’s CDs at the Wine Seller for only $5 each! For the entire CD…
(instructions on back of card…easy!
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Joe Euro
Joe Euro’s Holiday Cheer CD , copies at the shop…only $9.99 Digital Download Cards only $5 each at The Wine Seller too… listen to samples and download the whole 12 track album or individual tracks. Available on many “streaming Music Sites” such as Amazon Music, Pandora, Spotify, YourTube, Rhapsody, Apple Music, iTunes and more…
Stay tuned for more upcoming LIVE PERFORMANCES:
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Tell your “Smart Speaker” to
Joe Euro’s repertoire of Original
“Neo-Classical” Compositions, (some in the style of guitar greats such as Michael Hedges; Wil Ackerman; Andy McKee; Billy McClaughlin, Andre’ Segovia, Charlie Byrd…etc. often with a “reach over” tapping” technique that is as much fun to see as to hear!)…Some lite jazz arrangements of his, and some actual Classical Guitar pieces! And a few of Joe’s “Spacey” Ambient pieces too!
and when Joe’s not playing music gigs, hosting European small group journeys or selling fermented beverages and such…he’s out on his boat…St. Brendan. a fully restored 1947 Matthews 40′ Sedan Cruiser!
it’s a rough life…
go to Joe Euro Travel
You can “Go With Joe” too…our next “Small Group Journey”
Stay Tuned…sign in to our email list or follow us on Facebook to see where Joe will Go Next…and Wine Not Join Him!!
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Go with Joe, we had a wonderful time exploring Portugal and Northwest Spain October into early November 2018
JOURNEY Portugal and NW Spain Fall 2018! What a Fantastic Journey and fun group of fellow “Enthusiastic Travelers”

Some of our group from the recent Portugal/NW Spain trip. October 2018
October, 2018
Our recent Small Group journey was Fall (October26/November 6th 2019) to fabulous Tuscany and Umbria!!! 12 days/11 nights…
Candlelight Concert
The 23rd, of January, 2020
Hope you made it to this Magical Venue!!
Joe Euro, another LIVE Candlelight Concert! Last year too, and for a number of years (10) now in 2018… another one of these Benefit concerts with Joe Euro was in January, 2020!
Utilizing various guitars, all sounding and tuned differently. This Historic, Victorian Era Church is a Wonderful Venue for concerts, with Great Acoustics, and a Magical Setting…especially when all the Candles are lit and House lights turned down.
Joe played an array of his own “neo-Classical” pieces and Improvisations, some you just have to see to believe…with various “IconoClassical” Techniques and Gizmology Joe uses…as well as some Classical and light jazz tunes…and maybe even a touch of Acoustic Blues.
March 24th, 2022 One Set Only! 7:00 PM At the Historic United Trinity Methodist Church, “Uptown” Port Townsend 609 Taylor St. Hope you made this one…

This is where Joe’s Candlelight Concerts were held
Unitied Trinity Methodist Church, 609 Taylor St. “Uptown” Port Townsend, WA
This is where Joe’s Candlelight Concert are held. United Trinity Methodist Church, 609 Taylor St. “Uptown” Port Townsend, WA click here to go to Google maps
check back often, or sign up for our emails to see news of other upcoming trips, Wine Seller News, and news of Joe Euro’s Music.
go to Joe Euro’s music Facebook page
Joe Euro Played at the
Port Townsend Wooden Boat Festival 2017, 2018, 2019 2nd Sunday Morning of September at 11:00 AM
Joe performed on the Main Stage of Wooden Boat Fest again Sunday, at 11:00 (and usually Joe gets set up and starts playing a bit earlier to give you all a nice long set of tasty guitar)

Joe’s 1947 Matthews Wooden Sedan Cruiser, St. Brendan. Joe first got hooked on St. Brendan which was in the Wooden Boat Fest in 2012…and was his by early 2013!! He’s been in The Wooden Boat Fest in Port Townsend several more years, as well as in the Wooden Boat Show at South Lake Union in Seattle several times…and a few years now in the Classic yacht Show at Bell harbor in Seattle over Father’s Day Weekend…
JOE EURO (Wine Seller Proprietor, Guitarist/Recording Artist/Composer…)
on…Marrowstone Island (of all places…
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Marrowstone Vineyards Winery. What a Gorgeous site…Joe Euro played here in June 2017 and twice in Summer of 2018!! and I’m sure, if you call and bug them (James) enough…they’ll ask me back soon. hope to be back this coming Summer! Stay tuned for dates!
Stay tuned for other concerts, club dates and events with Guitarist/Wine Seller, Joe Euro
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Joe’s “Guitarsenal” as he calls it…Catch Joe LIVE at a Candlelight Concert on Thursday, March 24th, 2022
Joe played another of these Benefit Concerts on January 24th, 2019
Joe also played a Candlelight Concert January, in 2018, and for around 11 years in a row now!!
The Candlelight Concert at the Trinity United Methodist Church “Uptown” Port Townsend. Just a short block off Lawrence Street, behind the “Rec Center” Gym. 609 Taylor Street. click here to go to Google maps
Joe Euro’s, LIVE Concert! March 24th, 2022 Utilizing various guitars, all sounding and tuned differently. At this Historic, Victorian Era Church was another amazing event…hope you can make it in March 24th, 2022
$10 Suggested Donation for this Benefit Concert
email at
Recent Concerts and Shows:
Joe had a “House Concert” on July 14th, Wine Not host your own “House Concert” or catch one of Joe Euro’s rare Live Performances! Joe can even make your Private House Concert a Wine Tasting/Concert…what a fun event!!
Call Joe 360-385-7673
or email at
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Port Hadlock Holiday Open House, December 2016 and 2015
Joe playing for folks at the Port Hadlock Library.
Joe playing for folks on the docks from the aft deck of his 1946 Matthews 40′ Classic Power Boat.
Joe Euro LIVE on the Wooden Boat Fest Main Stage
LAKE UNION. July 4th, 2016
January 28th 2016…Candlelight Concert, last year. This Year, Joe’s Candlelight Concert was Thursday Evening, February 23rd, 2017 7:00 PM, hope you didn’t miss it!
Uptown, Port Townsend
Thanks to all of my fans, new and “Vintaged” that made it to some of my my shows/concerts in late January 2018;February 2017 and in January 2016, and many other previous years… as well as my Wooden Boat Show Concerts, both in Port Townsend and Seattle!
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Joe also performed a pretty dang good show…Live at the Wooden Boat Festival in Port Townsend, in September 2015…
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Joe played LIVE at
The Lake Union Wooden Boat Festival over the 4th of July Weekend.2015 and 2016 (July 4th)
Joe played on the Main Stage, Sunday Morning, July 5th, 2015 at 10:00 AM. ONE SET ONLY.
Joe Euro’s Music is also available on Amazon Music (listen to Samples; Stream and Purchase…click here)

these 3 Joe Euro’s CD’s $9.99 each or 3 for $25
New “Compilation CD” available:
10 tracks, almost a full hour of instrumental music!
4 tracks from some pieces prominently featuring Joe’s guitar work from Celtic Harpist/Recording Artist David Michael’s CDs of 15-20 years ago. Some featuring not only David Michael on Celtic Harp and Zither, but also Benji Werthheimer on esraj and tablas, and the late Randy Meade on flute.
I track featuring Joe with Native American flute player Raven (formerly known as Sea Raven)
These tracks are still quite current and enjoyable, even tho they’re 15-20 years old now.
plus 5 tracks from Joe’s recent “Holiday Cheer” CD that are not necessarily Holiday tunes. Such as Pachelbel’s Canon in D (Variations); Greensleeves; Simple Gifts: and 2 new originals works.
10 tracks of music, SAMPLER 2015. Available NOW at the Wine Seller®, and from Joe Euro Music. only $9.99 each. + Washington State sales tax in Washington. (can be shipped for an additional $2.50 each)
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Newest Version of Holiday/Seasonal CD by Joe Euro
12 Delightful, Instrumental Guitar Tracks!
“Holiday Cheer” available at the Wine Seller® and at the PT Shirt Company for $9.99 each. (Can be mailed and personally autographed too! $2.50 each S/H) alos now available on many “streaming sites” such as Pandora, Spotify, Amazon Music; YouTube, Rhapsody, Apple Music, iTunes etc…
HOLIDAY CHEER, Joe Euro’s latest version of his Holiday/Winter CD. 12 tracks of instrumental Guitar version of many Holiday favorites and Seasonal tunes. $9.99 Only at The Wine Seller® and PTShirt Company (for now)
Joe just performed at another “Candlelight Concert” on
January 28th (Thursday eve) 2016.
Standing Ovation and Joe played an encore…!
…January 22, 2015… got a STANDING OVATION too!!
Thanks again for all of you that made it…
Joe has played a series of these intimate concerts in Uptown Port Townsend, at this lovely old 1870’s Historic Church. 609 Taylor, “Uptown” Port Townsend. (Just off Lawrence)
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Trinity United Methodist Church. 609 Taylor St. “Uptown” Port Townsend A wonderful and “magical” venue for some of Joe Euro’s Live Guitar Concerts. 11 years in a row!
A truly Magical and acoustically wonderful place for one of Joe’s Live Concerts. And while this is a “Benefit Concert” it is NOT a Religious Event, and most of the money ($10 suggested Donation) goes to the Port Townsend Food Bank. A small portion of the proceeds go to the Historic Building Fund for general maintenance of this Lovely old piece of History…
Joe uses 3-4 different guitars, all tuned differently, all sound and look different too! And Joe’s sound system beautifully fills this venue with rich, full stereo sound!
Thanks to all of you that made it to this Special Concert!
HOLIDAY CHEER, Joe Euro’s latest version of his Holiday/Winter CD. 12 tracks of instrumental Guitar versions of many Holiday favorites and Seasonal tunes.(and not all are specifically “Holiday Music” so you can go ahead and “like” various tracks and have them go into your “favorites” when creating a play list on Pandora, Spotify,Amazon music, YouTube, and more) only $9.99 and Only available to Joe’s local fans at The Wine Seller and PTShirt Company (for now…) or on various streaming sites!
‘Holiday Cheer” Joe Euro’s Collection of Traditional Holiday Tunes and some “Seasonal” Original Compositions…(contains some tracks from “Sampler” CD both just $9.99 each available to Stream on many sights such as Pandora, Amazon Music, Spotify, Rhapsody, Napster, AppleMusic/iTunes…and more!
Joe also played several “House Concerts” One for the Port Ludlow Community Enrichment and a Benefit Concert for The Marine Science Center in both August and September.
At Wooden Boat Festival (2013), Joe plugged his “skinny guitar” through the house stereo of the boat’s sound system and played for folks on the dock! After his show earlier that day on the Main Stage…
Book Joe Euro for your party, event or Wine Not schedule a“House Concert”
(click any CD to hear samples)

Two of the guitars Joe frequently performs and records with. And a nice glass of Red wine and Red Roses too.
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If you would like to schedule a House Concert with Joe, or Wine Not hire Joe for a private party, wedding, anniversary, corporate or business function…it’s all “do-able. Call 360-385-7673 or email
Quality Instrumental ( singing) Classical; ‘Neo-Classical”; Originals; Light Jazz; Ambient..and more.
Joe plays a lovely mix of Acoustic, “Finger-Style” Solo Guitar.
Recent Performances By Joe Euro
September 14, 2014, House Concert Benefit for Port Townsend Marine Science Center.
August 2014, Community Enrichment, Port Ludlow Concert
May 4th 2014, Cape George Clubhouse, Port Townsend. House Concert and Wine Tasting. (private function)
March 29th, 2014 House Concert with Wine Tasting, Private event. Port Townsend.
January 26th, 2014 Candle Light Concert at the Methodist Church, Uptown Port Townsend
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September 9, 2013
Joe played live again at the The Annual Wooden Boat Festival where he has been a featured favorite for many years.
January 24th, 2013, 7pm:
Joe performed solo (as usual) at the Methodist Church in Port Townsend’s Uptown district. Part of the “Candelight Concert Series”.
Sunday, September 9, 2012, 11am:
Played at the Wooden Boat Festival. Joe was the first act of the day.
July 2013, Friday. Live on KPTZ Radio, “Tossed Salad” (name of the show)
January 26, 2012, 7pm:
Joe played at the Methodist Church in Port Townsend’s Uptown district. Part of the “Candelight Concert Series”.
November 6, 2011, 4pm:
Joe played at the Presbyterian Church in Port Townsend’s Uptown district as a benefit for the Jumping Mouse Children’s Center.
September 23, 2011:
Joe Euro played at the Port Townsend Film Festival’s outdoor stage.
September 11, 2011:
Joe played his brand of solo acoustic instrumental guitar tunes at the 35th Annual Port Townsend Wooden Boat Festival.
September 2, 2011:
Joe was featured LIVE on our local KPTZ Radio station, with a studio concert and interview.
To learn more about Joe’s music, visit his music site
Newest Version of Holiday/Seasonal CD by Joe Euro
“Holiday Cheer” available at the Wine Seller® for $9.99 each. (Can be mailed and personally autographed too! $2.50 each S/H)

HOLIDAY CHEER, Joe Euro’s latest version of his Holiday/Winter CD. 12 tracks of instrumental Guitar version of many Holiday favorites and Seasonal tunes. $9.99 Only at The Wine Seller® (for now)
12 tracks, including versions and variations of Pachelbel’s Canon in D; Greensleeves; Oh Holy Night; Silent Night; Joy to the World; Simple Gifts and more…
12 new guitar arrangements of classic Holiday tunes and 2 new Original piece! Snow Day, and Winter Sunrise.
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Digital Downloads cards
SPECIAL: 1/2 price or less from Joe Euro directly!
The Entire CD! Downloadable with the web site and code provided on the back of the cards to redeem.
Available now exclusively at The Wine Seller on all three of Joe’s CDs. That’s right! ONLY $5 per CD, around half or less the price at Apple iTunes, Amazon’s MP3, Rhapsody, and other Digital Download sites that sell Joe Euro’s music.
Check The Wine Seller® to purchase these, or have them sent to you. only $5 each plus $1 S/H per card.
(click on any CD to go to a page that will let you sample each track)
Joe Euro is also a well-regarded Guitarist/ Recording Artist. The newest CD “Souvenir” was released in 2008. His other critically acclaimed CDs: “The High Road” and “Eyes On The Horizon” have been featured on some of the big Nationally Syndicated Radio Broadcasts of NPR and PRI such as “echoes” on PRI with host John Diliberto, and “Hearts of Space” on NPR with host Steven Hill. Euro’s music has been featured in several film and Video productions as well. And he’s done several live broadcast shows on Port Townsend’s own Radio Station, KPTZ (91.9 FM) and streaming too at
Order directly from Joe via email ( or phone: 360.385.7673. (text 360-301-1221) You can even stop by The Wine Seller® in downtown Port Townsend, WA and pick up a few copies. If Joe is there, he is always happy to autograph them if you like! Also available thru and Pandora; (and many other Digital Download sites, such as iTunes; Rhapsody; Spotify; YouTube…sell Joe Euro’s Music! (just punch in “Joe Euro”and you should be taken to my pages) and they can be ordered from your local record/CD store through “Super D” Distributors.
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