One of Washington’s oldest and Finest Wine/ Bottle Shops… EST.1982
Wines, Bubblies, Ciders or Beer… cheese & deli… your local Wine Seller.. we got da goods… and da good stuff!!
Your Winter Gatherings and Feastings, AND JUST EVERYDAY MEALS AND RELAXING… one stop shopping… with The Wine Seller’s Amazing Selection, KNOWLEDGEABLE, HELPFUL, FRIENDLY STAFF…… and great Prices and various Discount levels…
Right Here, in beautiful, historic, downtown Port Townsend, WA…
WINE TASTINGS 1st & 3rd Fridays of each month!! October thru May!!
Special sit down Tastings of more Premium and often older, Rare wines too!
click Rare wines… the coveted list…
Check web site often and/or Facebook and Instagram for notice of these Special Events…or Wine Not sign on to our email list….
and 7 days a week! Year ’round

Joe Euro…proprietor/Founder. Guitarist/Recording Artist, European Travel Host, …and general “Bon Vivant” pictured here having a lovely meal at a charming small restaurant in Paris…bon Appetit..Cheers!
regular hours…
11-6:30ish… Mondays thru Thursdays and
10:30-7:00 or so Fridays & Saturdays!
Sundays 11-6
We just might be here…
OPEN 7 days a week! often with
Extended hours… call us, or just stop by to see if we’re still here and OPEN AFTER HOURS…or early…
OPEN everyday
7 days a week…year ’round for your Wine; Beer; Bubbly, Vermouths and Cider needs…cheese and deli snacks too..c’mon in…we’re here to guide you to some really tasty and often unique and rare products and…
GREAT VALUES!! and lotsa great DEALZ!! $ave! 
The Wine Seller ® 1010 Water St. in Beautiful “Downtown” Historic, Port Townsend, Washington Wine Seller® and The Wine Seller® is a nationally registered TRADEMARK

The Wine Seller’s vast and Amazing Selection…and we’re here to help guide you through “the Maze…” plus…Thank you to Port Townsend Leader Reader’s poll, where we won … “#1 Best Customer Service”2023!! and Best Wine Shop in 2024

Stop by TODAY and pick up some tasty wines, great values, beer and/or Cider for your Winter meals and Gatherings, celebrations and Get-Togethers…and thnx so much for your CONTINUED support and business! FOR ALL THESE YEARS!! SINCE 1982 Cheers!

C’mon in…and Welcome to The Wine Seller! Let us help guide you through the “Maze of our Amazing Selections”…or just stop in for a browse…
(actually now in our 43rd year!!)
great recommendations and wine/beer pairing advice... surprisingly reasonable prices too!!
C’mon in TODAY…have a look around! We think you might be Amazed!! and while you’re here…Wine Not pick up a few bottles! or $AVE more by selecting any 6-12 or more and get our generous multi bottle Discounts!
Liqueur filled chocolates…in cute little brnad name bottles! 16 pak only $27.99…
or single only $1.99 each

Liqueur filled chocolates…in cute little brand name bottles! 16 pak..$27.99, or singles only $1.99 each

Don’t have to venture too deep in to find some tasty, well priced wines!! At your local, independent Wine Seller (EST. 1982)…we got da goods and da good stuff..!!! and Thnx for your past, present and future Support! Cheers!
Next Tasting Event: Friday, March 21st, 2025 just pullin’ corks from our vast inventory….come see and taste some of the delicious gems we uncork!!
Next Tasting Event: Friday, March 21st…part of our ongoing 1st & 3rd Fridays of the month Wine Tasting Series…(October thru May)
…quite often we just bring in wines for these tastings, as we are out of room here to stock it all on a regular basis…plus, we often offer wines at special “night of tasting pricing” $AVE so if you try it and like it…Wine Not buy it…NOW!!
Hope you will join us …
The Wine Seller, OPEN EVERYDAY!
(WINE TASTING SERIES generally happens 1st & 3rd Fridays every month, October through May) MARK YOUR CALENDARS!!

Next Tasting Event: March 7th, 2025! (see tasting page)
More details on web site or at the shop! The Wine Seller…serving you SINCE 1982!
Great little Washington Sauvignon Blanc…only $9.99/btl (all discount levels apply too!! 1/2, whole, Mixed and of course our WINEAUX CLUB DISCOUNTS!!)
And lots of SPECIALS throughout the store…such as Sauvignon Blanc
from Washington, Daughter & Sons only $9.99 (reg $16.99)
crisp zippy dry and tasty…great with seafood and as an aperitif!!
But…like they say on those old late night TV ads…
”But Wait…There’s More”…
whole cases only $79.99…while they last! (that gets this tasty dry white down to only $6.67/btl*.!! reg. $16.99)
Pick up a case or two of this delicious Washington Sauvignon Bland for parties and gatherings or just for everyday drinking…while they last…
(we bought a lot of this…but there is a finite amount)
“net” (no other discounts beyond this crazy case sale price…)
while THEY last…!!! Daughters & Sons Washington Sauvignon Blanc! #ptwineseller #winetastingfriday #sauvignonblanc
Part of our 1st & 3rd Fridays Wine Tasting Series…October thru May
Stay tuned either here, or to our Facebook or Instagram pages for occasional other Special Tastings…
Joe Euro Music

Joe will be doing another Magical “Candlelight Concert” Yes…another LIVE “Candlelight Concert…coming right up…Thursday, March 27th, 2025 7:00 PM ONE SET ONLY Thursday Evening 7:00 PM
Joe will be doing another Magical “Candlelight Concert”
Yes…another LIVE “Candlelight Concert…coming right up…Thursday, March 27th, 2025 7:00 PM ONE SET ONLY
Thursday Evening 7:00 PM March 27th, 2025

Joe will be doing another Magical “Candlelight Concert” Yes…another LIVE “Candlelight Concert…coming right up…Thursday, March 27th, 2025 7:00 PM ONE SET ONLY Thursday Evening 7:00 PM

Joe will be doing another Magical “Candlelight Concert” Yes…another LIVE “Candlelight Concert…coming right up…Thursday, March 27th, 2025 7:00 PM ONE SET ONLY Thursday Evening 7:00 PM
link to my concert:check it out!! euro-2024
stream here, but fast forward from the opening “Yakkity Yak” talking…till you see me in the video take the stage…

This is Joe Euro performing at a Candlelight Concert. This Year, will be Thursday evening, M<arch 27th, 2025
Fingerstyle, Instrumental Guitarist (and Wine Seller Founder)
…and Joe was LIVE on the MAIN STAGE once again, of Fabulous Port Townsend Wooden Boat Festival…Sunday morning, September 8th,2024 11 AM hope you didn’t miss it!!

…and Joe was LIVE on the MAIN STAGE of Fabulous Port Townsend Wooden Boat Festival…Sunday morning, September 8th, 2024 11 AM hope you didn’t miss it!!
WINE NOT Mix-A-CASE or pre-order wines, beer, cider etc…too…all at BIG $AVINGS!!
Our Fall..2025 trip…PUGLIA is now filled…However…we are now signing folks on for our upcoming SICILY trip, May, 2026!!!
go to Joe Euro Travel for info
another fabulous small group journey for spring of 2026!!! Sicily!!
Travel with Joe Euro

Join us please, on one of our next incredible “small group journeys” Joe Euro & Katy Guthridge and our intrepid travel guru/director…the always fabulous Doumina!!
go to tastings page
Great prices and $avings!! Especially with our GENEROUS 1/2, whole, Mixed case DISCOUNTS.
AND with our incredible WINEAUX GREGARIOUS CLUB Discounts!! ($25/year, see store for further details)
Thank you to Port Townsend Leader poll, where we won
and “# 1 Best Customer Service”!! 2023
and we have an array of fabulous “Cru Beaujolais” (Beaujolais that is labelled with the specific Village it comes from…rather than just “Beaujolais Villages”)

Lots of choices in “Cru Beaujolais” (Beaujolais that is labelled with the specific Village it comes from…rather than just “Beaujolais Villages”) Great for Holiday Feasts!
Instagram link @winesellerjoeeuro
Older Vintages, many we collected over the years…some from a couple PRIVATE CELLARS we bought. Older Vintages of Quilceda Creek, Leonetti, Pepper Bridge and many obscure, but highly rated California/Napa Valley offerings…

would you like some properly aged wines..?? We have quite an array of older and rare vintages available too…Pepper Bridge, older vintages and more…hurry tho…these are limited to stock on hand!
Wine Tastings..1st & 3rd Fridays…October till June…
May be a few Special off schedule tastings in between now and then too…so STAY TUNED

a darn good selection of reasonably priced Classic Bordeaux…like this “Grand Cru” Saint Emilion (under $30)

Washington Wines by Barnard-Griffin…only $12.99/btl (plus all various discount levels…$AVE Bigtime…Today!!
WINE NOT Mix-A-CASE or pre-order too…all at BIG $AVINGS!!
Join us please…as we taste, sniff, swirl, evaluate, enjoy…and Schmooze with fellow wine lovers! Cheers!
Still only $10 pp. (1/2 for current WINEAUX Members) and FREE *…when you buy 3 or more from the tasting line up!! Hope to see you1st & 3rd Fridays! October thru May…

Legendary Leonetti Reds…we get a pretty decent allocation, and have a fair amount on hand, including some older vintages…

The Chianti Cart…at Antinori main building in downtown Florence, Italy…We love good Chianti…and stock plenty!
Pate’ and other fun and delicious Deli items well as chocolates Amazing well curated Selection Right Here…OPEN 7 DAYS a WEEK! Yes…
Monday thru Thursday 11-6:30.
Sundays 11-6:00
Fridays & Saturdays 10:30-7:00…
summer hours, we generally are here later
as the days have gotten longer…
(and stop by or call if you’re running late…’cause this time of year…we’re often here at the shop even later as it stays light longer)
check our facebook page often, as we update that more frequently than the web site..
go to tastings page
The Wine Seller® is OPEN 7 days a Week!
Fridays & Saturdays 10:30 – 7:00 and often later...
Mondays thru Thursdays…11-6:30 or so..
Sundays 11-6
Instagram @winesellerjoeeuro
We recently purchased a pretty huge PRIVATE COLLECTION from a local collector that had to downsize and move…around 600-700 bottles…mostly somewhat rare and esoteric Napa Valley stuff…but a fair amount of older Quilceda Creek and other Wahington gems…too…they are mostly stored in our back room for now…as we evaluate and price things…bringing them out and available in a few spots in the shop as we have time and room…
We are mostly using apps such as Vivino and Wine Searcher to determine current fair and discount pricing..although many older vintage wines are getting priced at around thier initial release prices, and not necessarily at appreciated prices…Hurry in NOW, and often, as we do not have room to display all that we have…or time to go through pricing…they will find their way out onto the floor as we can get to pricing and making room for them. Bring your phones and check these various apps for reviews and prices…we think you’ll be pleasantly surprised…although these wines are LIMITED TO STOCK ON HAND. Many are only 1 or 2 bottles…some a few more.
get in here and let us show you around this rare collection…before its all gone!

The Wine Seller’s Cheese and Deli cooler and a selection of crackers there too…”ONE STOP SHOPPING”…WINE NOT put a perfect Appy plate together…right from here!!

The Ultimate Bling Bubbly… Pizzolato Brut Rose…also available in a Pinot Grigio (blue bling) , Prosecco and a Moscato…all with different colors of “Bling”
Guitarist/Recording Artist, and Wine Seller Founder, Joe Euro
Marrowstone Vineyards…and more!
Joe Euro has played a few private gigs lately…an 80th birthday party with Champagne (purchased at the Wine Seller…and was poured and pontificated about by Joe, before this Private “house concert. which went quite well…if I do say so…)
HOUSE CONCERTS…yes, Joe loves doing these and PRIVATE PARTIES…CORPORATE GIGS…WEDDINGS, BIRTHDAY PARTIES, retirement parties …Joe Euro has even played a few Memorial Services over the years!
Wine Not hire guitarist Joe Euro for your next function or celebration…
Joe Euro played his varied guitar stylings at the Port Townsend Brewery on “Cinco de Mayo”…(May 5th) 2024 5-7 or so…
great appreciative crowd…super fun!

FYI we have been selling Port Townsend Brewery’s fine Beers & Ales at The Wine Seller for many years!
Joe Euro was also be at Port Townsend Vineyards downtown venue…Vintage! On May 30th! 2024 from 4-6
Great and appreciative crowd again…

Port Townsend Vineyards VINTAGE in downtown Port Townsend…Joe Euro played here, Thursday, May 30th from 4-6

Joe Euro on the Main Stage of the fabulous Wooden Boat Festival…which he has performed at for the past 24-25 years or so…(except for the Covid years) Booked again this year, Sunday, September 8th, 2024 10:30ish till around high noon!

Wine Seller FOUNDER and proprietor Joe Euro is also an accomplished guitarist and recording artist. His studio produced CD’s are available and his music can be streamed on most streaming platforms such as Spotify; Pandora; Amazon Music and more…Euro plays a number of LIVE music “gigs” locally! A couple of fun recent local and Holiday gigs featuring Joe Euro
Instagram link: @winesellerjoeeuro
yet another fabulous small group Journey… with The Wine Seller’s FOUNDER, Joe Euro…stay tuned for more upcoming “small group journeys” with Wine Seller FOUNDER, Joe Euro
Gorgeous Amalfi Coast…part of our May 9-19, 2024 “small group journey” which began in Sicily….More trips coming in 2025 You too can join us and GO WITH JOE

Sorrento, on the incredible Amalfi Coast of Italy, part of our Sicily/Amalfi Coast tour May 9-19, 2024 small group journey…which was fantastic!
“Small Group Journeys” with Wine Seller Founder, Guitarist/Recording Artist, and Travel Host, Joe Euro
Joe Euro Travel
We’d love to Travel with you… and show you around…
The “Tasting Bar” at The Wine Seller! Tastings held 1st & 3rd Fridays/month October thru May!! MARK YOUR CALENDARS (we don’t send out regular notices on these events…)
Next Tasting: Friday, Friday, March 7th, 2025
go to tastings page
Instagram link: @winesellerjoeeuro
Whatever your Feasts and Get togethers include…some fabulous wines, Bubblies, Ciders and Beers from your local Wine Seller are sure to be a hit!
Our 42st Anniversary…(Joe Euro opened
The Wine Seller in downtown Port Townsend in 1982!!)
Tastings: $20 pp* (1/2 price for current and paid up WINEAUX CLUB MEMBERS*
$25/YEAR PP hope to see you there…soon, and often!! Cheers…thru all these years!
5:30-7:00 (shop open a bit later to allow for your purchases)
No tickets or reservations, just show up and get in the “conga line”…swirl, sniff, taste, evaluate, and Schmooze with fellow wine lovers…and WINE NOT MIX-A-CASE (12+) or a 1/2 (6+) for a laugh…
$20 pp (1/2 price for WINEAUX GREGARIOUS MEMBERS in currently good/paid up status!
Thnx again for your support and business!! Cheers!

Regular Wine Tasting Events, 1st & 3rd Fridays of each month (mark your calendars) October thru May 5:30-7:00
Instant Leonetti collection. 3 pack “verticals” of Leonetti Cab (‘18, ‘19 and ‘20) and also 3 pack of Merlot (‘19, ‘20 and ‘21) VERY LIMITED. only 1 each…
The Wine Seller, Port Townsend.

Instant Leonetti collection. 3 pack “verticals” of Leonetti Cab (‘18, ‘19 and ‘20) and also 3 pack of Merlot (‘19, ‘20 and ‘21) VERY LIMITED. The Wine Seller, Port Townsend.

The shelf behind the counter…which holds a number of treasures and gems…Quilceda Creek; Leonetti; Woodward Canyon; Plump Jack; Top Chateauneuf du Papes from Chateau de Beaucastel and Clos du Pape…both in the TOP 100 List…96 and 97 points….
Regular Hours: 10:30-7:00 ish* Fridays & Saturdays.
Mondays thru Thursdays 11-6:30 ish* Cheers!
Sundays 11-6
call ahead or just stop by…if you’re running late…cause we’re often here even later…
Instagram link: @winesellerjoeeuro

LUXARDO CHERRIES…yeah, we got ’em. Great with a classic Manhattan…or as a garnish on your favorite dessert! $29.99 (as low as $24.89 with full WINEAUX CLUB!)

Famous Louis Roederer Champagne. We often have the ultimate “Cristal” as well as their other French and Anderson Valley, California versions too.

world renowned Washington “Superstar” Cabernet…Quilceda Creek…and we’ve got plenty right now…besides our meager yearly allocation…we recently purchsed a PRIVE COLLECTION of 60–700 bottle of various top notch wines…and there was a number of older Quilceda Creek cabernet in there.,,,TREASURES…
WINE NOT let our expert team recommend the perfect wine, beer, bubbly or cider for you?
We have quite an amazing and somewhat mind boggling selection in stock…and we do a lot of special ordering and “hunting stuff down…”
We resumed our “1st & 3rd Fridays/month” Wine Tasting Series in October, 2022...after an over 2 year Covid hiatus! 5:30-7:00 1st & 3RD
Next Tastings: Friday, March 1st, 2024 TBA

Classic view of The Wine Seller’s Tasting Bar during a tasting…the chalk board in back is where we list the eveneing’s wines and prices.
MARK YOUR CALENDARS! (we don’t get around to sending emails out on these events regularly…)
and we do hope you can make it to many or most of our 1st & 3rd Fridays wine tastings! October thru June…
with occasional premium “sit down” tastings upstairs on our Mezzanine! Check back or sign on to our mailing list
Arrive anytime between 5:30 and 6;30 (don’t have to be here right at 5:30 either…) tasting goes till 7:00 ish
Tastings are generally only $10 pp (1/2 price for WINEAUX CLUB MEMBERS) and…we will continue with the “Buy 3/Taste FREE” program*.
to Wine Tastings page
Regular 1st & 3rd Fridays/month (October thru June) Wine Tastings Begin again on the 1st Friday of October.
The Tastings have been going on ever since…
1st & 3rd Fridays/month
Wine Seller/Joe Euro Travel

The Wine Seller, EST. 1982 1010 Water St. in Beautiful “Downtown” Historic, Port Townsend, Washington (Wine Seller night photo by myWineGuy)

a well curated selection of fresh cheeses, salami, Spanish Ham, Duck liver mousse pate’ and smoked duck breast, nuts….crackers (several gluten free options…)
OPEN EVERYDAY! (*with full Wineaux Club Discounts!
(17% OFF* our already low and competitive prices…no quantities required! And remember…our fantastic WINEAUX CLUB Discounts count on everything we sell!!…Wine, Bubblies, Beer, Cider, Chocolates, Cheese & Crackers, Joe Euro’s CDs…and more!)
as well as 1/2, whole and Mixed case Discounts! Already low and quite competitive prices!)
3% less discount with use of “plastic”
WINE NOT Mix-A-Case (any 12 +) Or even a 1/2 (any 6 +) just for a laugh…
STOCK UP (a case (12) even a 1/2 case (any 6+)
Joe or one of our Friendly, knowledgeable Wine Specialists can help with your selections and guide you through the “Maze” of our Amazing Inventory…and even carry your purchases out to your vehicle for you if needed!
Thank you to Port Townsend Leader poll, where we won “Best Customer Service”!!

WINE NOT call or stop by and MIX-A-CASE or (or even 1/2 a case…) or we will happily do it for you…within your preferences and price range…$AVE BIG 10% TO 15% and more over regular AND sale prices!! 360-385-7673
MIX–A–CASE…or a 1/2 …just for a laugh! TODAY!!
$AVE up to15%*(and even More!!) OFF of our already fair and competitive prices, even Temporary and Close Deal Prices…) Any 12+…or $AVE 10% off on a 1/2 case (any 6+)
Remember too..places like Costco, BevMo and even Trader Joe’s DO NOT do any further discounts off their prices, and with mixed, Full, 1/2 case and especially with our Wineaux Gregarious Club...The Wine Seller’s Discounts are hard to beat, and often do beat these other sources…let’s “do the math”…Dare to Compare!! plus, when you shop at The Wine Seller, you have the satisfaction of shopping, special ordering and supporting your local, independent retailer…
(*3% less ,discount on credit and debit cards…because of bank fees…)
OR…call or stop by and have us
MIX–A–CASE (or even a 1/2 case or just a few bottles…) for you…within your preferences and price range…
360-385-7673 EASY…and a “No-Brainer”
We have an Amazing Selection, many of our faves are more rare and not often found in many other stores…
Gourmet Foods…cheese; pate’; smoked duck breast; salami, Spanish Sardines,mussels, even octopus and more…
Alki Washington Wines…Way Overdeliver at only $17.99/bt (reg. $20..) plus all discounting levels including
(as low as around $15 with max WINEAUX* Discounts)
(NOT THE Seattle Alki neighborhood…) a Native American term supposedly translates to “HOPE FOR THE FUTURE”…we’ll drink to that!! Really delicious, well made Washington wines at a surprisingly fair price…

Alki Washington Wines…Way Overdeliver at only $17.99/bt (reg. $20) l plus all discounting levels including our WINEAUX GREGARIOUS CLUB. (NOT THE Seattle Alki…) a Native American term supposedly translates to “HOPE FOR THE FUTURE”…we’ll drink to that!!

Fine Bordeaux…Grand Cru Saint Emilion...$33.99 (as low as $28.22*) With Various 1/2, whole, mixed case and WINEAUX CLUB Discounts

a few top notch 1st Growth Bordeaux on hand. Older great vintages…Mouton Rothschild, Chateau Haut Brion, Chateau Lafite Rothschild…

Antinori’s famous, highly allocate, highly rated Super Tuscan Red…Tignanello. this pic was taken while in Florence, at their main historic facility.
and check out our Beer & Wine Cooler…

A vast array of Beer & Ale from local Micro Breweries…some Mega Breweries and from around the world… The Wine Seller…Selling Beer, Ciders, Wine, Champagne, Bubblies, Port, Sherry, Vermouths and more…SINCE 1982

New vintages of the famous, mind bogglingly delicious and hard to find Leonetti Cellar wines! Still a few btls. Of older vintages as well! Highly allocated and sought after!! Washington’s 1st “Cult following” wine! You wont find these wines in most “chain stores”…they’re not cheap tho! $$$$

Stop in TODAY and have fun browsing our Amazing and Vast Selection…well chosen Wines, Beer, Ciders, Gourmet Foods…Chocolates and more!
other Rarities and new Releases…
Just a few of the wines you might find at The Wine Seller!
check our facebook page for more recent and immediate specials…as we tend to update the facebook page more regularly...
Instagram link: @winesellerjoeeuro

Billecart-Salmon Rosé Champagne! Considered one of the worlds top Rose Champagnes!! IN STOCK NOW

New 2020 Quilceda Creek Cabernet Sauvignon, a legendary and rare Washington Cab…just arrived!!
a few bottles of older vintages as well…but Quilceda Creek is extremely allocated!
Jeb Dunnuck-Columbia Valley, WA- “”Beautiful creme de cassis, graphite, spice box, and lead pencil notes all flow to a full-bodied, soft, elegant wine that has beautiful tannins, no hard edges, and a seamless texture. It shows the more upfront, charming style of the vintage…””

Linen Washington Sauvignon Bland, one of our all time crisp dry faves…and only $16.99)

Rombauer Chardonnay…we call this “The Holy Grail of California Chards”

Walla Walla Vintners delicious Washington reds are almost always in stock and available…

A rare treat indeed…Cakebread’s luscious Napa Valley Chardonnay! (we usually have their stunning Napa Cab Sauv as well)

Our Amarone line up…Classic full bodied reds from the Veneto region of Northern Italy. Basically a Valpolicella where the grapes are dried on racks till around January, then giving very little juice when crushed…but oh, that precious ultra concentrated juice makes for amazing red wine!

Deli items…Olives, Spanish Sardines, Mussels and even Pulpo (Octopus) true Italian Balsamic and Spanish vinegars. Olive Oil. Cheese, Salami, Smoked Salmon, Smoked Duck Breast, Duck Mousse liver pate…YUM!! crackers, chips, nuts, chocolates and more…

Fine “Bedfellows”…2 of our favorite Champagnes…Cristal by Louis Roederer (when you/we want to splurge a bit $$$$) and the ever so lovely Rose Champagne by Billecart-Salmon

The view from above…The Wine Seller’s vast and well curated selection…and wine specialists to help guide you through the maze…Wine Not let us recommend something for you!
Incredible!! a 1945 Pauillac Bordeaux by Grand Puy Lacoste! The great vintage that followed the end of WWll.

Ridge Zinfandel based blends…we often have several in stock! Famous, well regarded producer for decades…/We have a wood 3 pak of their incredible Montebello Cabernet on hand too…

Incredible!! a 1945 Pauillac Bordeaux by Grand Puy Lacoste! The great vintage that followed the end of WWll. When posting this find Joe obtained from a private collection he bought…a response on Instagram was from the Chateau itself…that said ” if stored well…that wine should still be quite good!!” Only $995 and only 1 available!

HORSEPOWER Syrah, new from Washington Superstar winemaker (from France originally…) Christophe Baron, of Cayuse fame
A few of the older vintage Rarities we have for sale….’89 and ’90 Mouton Rothschild.

Delicious, versatile and SO Wine Friendly cheese. Especially reds!. Cambozola! A hybrid cheese with soft, creamy ripened camembert infused with blue veins of Gorgonzola…YUM!!

Some of our top Rarities…older 1st Growth Bordeaux! Chateau Haut Brion….and 2nd Growth La Mission Haut Brion. ’89 & ’90
Specials page

Chile and Argentina with lots of tasty, well made choices. Australia, New Zealand and South African wines as well…all in our Southern Hemisphere section!

Our own “Private Label” Washington Wines..The Port Townsend Collection. only $14.99

We carry a fairly vast array of tasty, dry Rose’
check us out…we’re “Rose’ Evangelists” here…

Kitty Cat collectable bottles of German Riesling…
Tasty, well made, classic delicious German white..slightly sweet. only $16.99

CAPPELLETTI…only $24.99 .so Delicious, and almost identical in flavor to Campari...(although we can’t sell Campari with it’s higher alcohol content, which…with base price and all liquor taxes… Campari is close to or more than $40 out the door!!)…CAPPELLETTI at 17% ABV does not have the additional alcohol taxes added, so is considerably less money, tastes identical in our opinion…and actually pre-dates Campari! Try a Cappelletti “Spritz” with a bit of sparkling wine/Prosecco, or substitute Cappelletti for Campari!

GIFT CERTIFICATES…any amount…need not be 21…never expire
“WINEAUX GREGARIOUS” CLUB: only $25 pp/year $AVE up to 17% OFF* (or more…as these discounts are off even our current Sale prices and Close Out dealz! $AVE on Everything The Wine Seller sells… Wine, Beer, Cider, Champagne, Bubblies, Cheese/deli, Chocolates…even Cigars, corkscrews and Joe Euro’s CDs etc. etc. no quantites required! ($25/YEAR)
(*3% less discounts with credit/debit cards)

Special Case Deal of this tasty Spanish Red…Seculo…from the Beirzo region of Northwest Spain…made from the Mencia grape. $100 (net) per case!. hurry!!
go to Joe Euro’s Travel Page
Go With Joe!!
A fabulous Sicily/Amalfi Coast TRIP IS happening next…May 9-19, 2024!! This trip is completely filled now…but stay tuned for future trips with Joe Euro
Go to Joe’s Travel Page
Wine Not…Go With Joe… Joe’s next “Small Group Journey”

Colorful open air market in Paris. on one of Joe’s trips…
The incredible sights of Europe..with Joe Euro Travel

The Pont du Gard in Southern France. Built by the Romans over 2 thousand years ago. Been there..Go with Joe Euro Travel
We put an Amalfi Coast/Sicily Small Group Journey together for Spring, 2024…
May 9-19 $5500 pp this trip is totally filled and leaving on May 9th, 2024
Stay tuned for upcoming and future “small group Journeys” with Joe Euro
Instagram link: @winesellerjoeeuro

The Amalfi Coast of Italy and Sicily...May 9-19, 2024 with Joe Euro Travel

Sorrento, in Southern Italy. Been there??…Wine Not Go With Joe…Joe Euro Travel

our happy group at a wine tasting/lunch in the hills of Piedmont on a recent trip…
Joe Euro has hosted quite a number of overseas
“Small Group Journeys”
Joe Euro Music
Recent gig at the fabulous Marrowstone Vineyards…
Joe performed at Marrowstone Vineyards on Saturday, December 16th, 2023 as part of their “Date Night” Series…(indoors, of course…) tickets were $15 and very limited! (doesn’t include your wine choice purchases, but does include chocolate covered cherries…!! And of course…being so close to the “Christmas Holidaze…” Joe interjected, “dusting off”… and performed a few of his classic Holiday arrangements from his “HOLIDAY CHEER” recording…along with other varied selections from his fairly vast and varied repertoire!

Joe Euro at a recent LIVE concert. Joe performed LIVE at Marrowstone Vineyard’s “Date Night” Series on Saturday, 6-8 December 16th, 2023
Joe Euro will be performing another Fabulous Benefit “Candlelight Concert”
Thursday March 27th, 2025
Joe will be doing another Magical “Candlelight Concert”
Yes…another LIVE “Candlelight Concert…coming right up…Thursday, March 27th, 2025 7:00 PM ONE SET ONLY
Thursday Evening 7:00 PM
March 27th, 2025

Wine Seller founder, guitarist, recording artist….all instrumental music. mostly guitar, bass, percussion and keyboards some piano (also Joe) Joe Euro Music
Tell your “Smart Speaker” to
PLAY JOE EURO…it ususally works…
Wine Seller owner/Founder, Joe Euro…also an instrumental “Finger-Style” Guitarist and Recording Artist has been doing a number of LIVE performances!!
Wooden Boat Fest; MARROWSTONE VINEYARDS; Camaraderie Vineyards; and more…Stay Tuned for Joe’s next LIVE gigs.

Guitarist/ Wine Seller Founder Joe Euro, seen here performing at the annual Wooden Boat Festival. Joe Euro performing on the Main Stage of Wooden Boat Festival in Port Townsend. He has played there pretty much every year since…mid 90’s…??? He has also played several times at the Wooden Boat Festival at The Center for Wooden Boats South Lake Union in Seattle Joe Euro Music

Joe Euro, performed LIVE at the beautiful Marrowstone Vineyards Winery, on Marrowstone Island, WA 3 times this past summer, 2023 and was there again for their “DATE NIGHT” Series...(Indoors this time!) Saturday, December 16th, 2023 6-8

Joe Euro was LIVE once again out at Finnriver Cidery! Sunday, hope your were part of the appreciative crowd that was there! Stay tuned for future date there..and elsewhere! Joe Euro Music

Joe Euro was LIVE once again out at Finnriver Cidery! Sunday, hope your were part of the appreciative crowd that was there! Stay tuned for future date there..and elsewhere! Joe Euro Music
Finger-Style Guitarist, Joe Euro was LIVE once again out at Finnriver Cidery! Sunday, May 22 from 5-7 Hope you were part of the quite appreciative and attentive crowd that was there there!
Instagram link: @winesellerjoeeuro
Wine Seller Proprietor Joe Euro’s other job…Guitarist/Recording Artist…
Joe Euro Music
some other recent gigs with Guitarist, Recording Artist, Wine Seller FounderJoe Euro
Tell your “Smart Speaker” to “PLAY JOE EURO”…and it should call up Joe’s recordings from 4 different CD’s
Then Friday, March 25th, 2022, Joe was LIVE at Port Townsend Vineyards “downtown” venue.
2 recent opportunities to hear and see me, “Finger-Style”/ “Neo-Classical” guitarist, Joe Euro. 1st a Candlelight concert, then at a Club. Port Townsend Vineyards downtown venue…”Vintage” at 725 Water St.
Joe performed another Candlelight Concert in 2022..Thursday Evening, March 24th,2023 7:00 PM…with an actual LIVE audience that time!!
You didn’t miss Joe’s Concerts after all…they’re right here!
Here’s the link to Joe Euro’s recent Candlelight Concert..March 24th, 2022 so, no worries, you didn’t really miss it, or watch/listen again even if you were there! fast forward thru the opening “yakkity-yak” if you want to get right to the music! And of course, there is a link to donate to the charity I chose to support. Bayside Housing, that helps homeless folks.
Here’s the link to my January 2021 Concert too… both are presented “warts n all” with more “flubs” than I wanted, but oh well…it’s a LIVE show…hope you enjoy! And, if and/or when you listen/watch…please do so with some decent speakers or headphones

Joe Euro will be performing another of these fantastic Benefit “Candlelight Concerts on April 23rd, 2023. click here for more info and link
Joe Euro Music
hosting Small Group Wine Related Journeys to Italy, France, Spain, Portugal, Croatia, Slovenia, Chile, Argentina…and beyond…since 2004, Joe has hosted with collaborating with various tour companies, and several times, Joe has put together and guided the tour himself…as in several French barge tours, with land extentions…
Joe Euro performed LIVE at Marrowstone Vineyards on Meade Road, Nordland on Marrowstone Island on Saturday, July 24th,2021 from 5 till 8:00, and in June as well, for their member party.
Joe performed several shows there twice this past Summer!! Friday & Saturday, August 19th & 20th, 2022 from 5-8 both nights!
And will be performing there again December 16th, a Saturday…6-8 as part of their “Date Night” series…tickets through the winery direct…$15
New Vintages Leonetti Cellar wines have arrived! “19 Cabernet and ’20 Merlot 
Leonetti Cellar….Washington’s 1st “Cult Following” winery. New vintages just arrived! ’20 Cabernet and ’21 Merlot..’20 Reserve and Sangiovese… several older VINTAGES available and in stock! Get your Leonetti wines they last…
while most other retailers are out or very low (if they even got any...) of this legendary Washington Red producer’s wines, Highly allocated Cabernet, Merlot…and other reds…your…local, well established Wine Seller gets a very generous allocation and still has plenty!! 🍷🍷🍷C’mon in!! always great DEALZ and finds at The Wine Seller
As many Bottle Shops and retailer either get little or none at all of the Legendary 2016 Leonetti Cabernet Sauvignon…we still have plenty!! $134.99 (plus discounts!!) and some older vintages too…NEW 2018 Cab and ’19 Merlot have arrived..(2017 Sold Out @ $119.99)
dare to compare prices $$$ …as usual..your local Wine Seller® gives them all a “run for the money”…

New Vintage Quilceda Creek Cabernet 2020 in NOW! $269.99
Some older vintages available too!
(*prices and availability subject to change at anytime)
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The Wine Seller® acts as a
“Wine and Beer Broker” as well, and we do do a lot of Special ordering for our clients! Just stop in or call us…
Sorry…No SALES TO OTHER RETAILERS, RESTAURANTS OR WHOLESALERS, we know there are some incredible prices and wines here, we do get some amazing DEALZ, however, Washington State Liquor Laws limit us to only sell to individuals…OCCASSIONALLY, we break the rules just a touch and choose to sell some wines and items to area restaurants… but the RESTAURANTS usually buy from some of the same distributors WE DEAL WITH…but we DO get some special deals and close outs that no one else gets or has.
( the Wine Seller generally does not supply wine, beer or cider to most local restaurants. They buy from the same distributors and wineries we do.)
(prices and availabilities subject to change without notice)
“Just Right Whites” for Anytime sipping, quaffing, lighter meals, seafood and just plain refreshment! Lots of great Sauvignon Blanc, White Bordeaux and Loire Valley Faves such as Sancerre…
Life is hard — drink the good stuff. Harken Chardonnay…rich, barrel fermented, buttery, delicious and nicely balanced! $15.99/btl our best selling Chardonnay!!

Our very popular Harken Chardonnay. only $15.99/btl. Full barrel fermentation! Rich, full bodied and buttery.
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FRESH SHIPMENT of CHEESE and DELI ITEMS!! Lots of delicious faves! Drunken Goat from Spain…semi soft goat cheese bathed in red wine. From Jumilla, where lots of our favorite Monastrell Spanish reds 🍷 come from. CAMBAZOLA…that tempting combo cheese of a Camembert with blue strains run through. So great with rich reds, and also superbly pairs with sweeter wines and Port!
Fresh shipment of CHEESE, smoked duck breast, OLIVES AND OLIVE OIL, salami and more!! Get some TODAY!!! Other yummy food items includes Fennel and Truffle salts; Smoked Salmon…fresh and gift boxed; chocolates too!
Real Italian Pasta sauce…so delicious!! only $7.99
Cheese/Deli Cooler is well stocked with fresh cheese, Salami, smoked duck breast, smoked salmon, and more arriving almost every Monday!!

France’s oldest “Bubbly” Saint Hilaire…which we try to always have on hand…delicious…quite well made (bottle fermented…just like real Champagne…which this /saint Hilaire pre dates by over 100 years!!
Rose’s OK …any day!!!
We’ve got lots of Rose’s for any season
Kenwood CRAZY BIG TEMPORARY SALE! Sonoma Sauvignon Blanc, Merlot, Chardonnay and Zinfandel
only $11.99/btl* (reg. $15.99)
750ml one of Joe’s personal faves and “go to/everyday drinker” wines!
Sonoma County, CA- Appetizing notes of lemongrass, guava and passion fruit combine with a fresh and crisp mouthfeel and tangy finish. This wine pairs well with chicken and seafood dishes.
Reg. $15.99. Current “in store price” ONLY $11.99, less than $10/btl with Full WINEAUX CLUB Discounts!) )
Wine Tasting Notes:
This classic, well-balanced Merlot combines elegant structure with loads of fruit. Complex aromas of tea leaf, baking spices, and French oak. On the palate, rich layers of red and black fruits and a suggestion of mint accompany firm tannins and refreshing acidity. (Some restriction, prices subject to change at any time, * cash/check
only on case deal)
(*Prices and supplies subject to change at any time, see store for details)
..$AVE BIG! Have Fun! Drink well and enjoy some variety!…WINE NOT…
Grab an empty Box (right side of cooler) and Get Busy!
Fill up that box as you browse…or pick our brains for Enological Guidance and FREE advice! (and worth every penny lol)
(*with Full Wineaux Gregarious Membership, and only slightly higher without)
You give us your preferences and budget, and we’ll see what we can do for YOU!
and Mix-A- Case
WINE NOT Mix_A-Case or more TODAY…or let Joe, Ritch, Simone, Alan or Andrew help, or even just do it for you…with our “No-Brainer” Wine Shopping Service!
just the “tip of the Iceberg” of our Specials….stop in and browse!
Over 1000 different winesand a constantly changing Selection
Harken Chardonnay
Harken Chardonnay, $15.99
Harken Chardonnay,
“Harkening” back to the classic “Buttery Oaky/Barrel-Fermented -Style Chards that seem to have all but disappeared…!! Luscious, Delicious Buttery, Oaky California Chardonnay…and still quite well balanced!
Only $15.99/btl (reg. $22) (only $13.27 with Full Wineaux Discounts!! other regular discounts apply for regular purchases as well, for non members)
One of our favorite domestic (California) “Champagnes”…
could lose this one in a blind tasting of REAL FRENCH
Champagne…only $28.99/btl Full Wineaux Club Discounts) plus all applicable discounts! now with a new, veery different label…
Roederer “Cristal” The Cristal is a perfect wine, and Champagne simply does not get any better.
Louis Roederer “Cristal” Brut Champagne Expensive, classic..and a lot less with full Wineaux Club Discount)
other fine offerings in the world of Bubblies… from Roederer
…and for a little more “down to earth” affordable” pleasures…Laya SpanishRed Blend...only $9.99/btl
( only $8.29* with Full WG*)
LAYA Spanish Red Blend
Garnacha and Monastrell and SOOOO Delicious and “Easy Drinking” 92 points, James Suckling
only $9.99/btl plus ALL discounts
LAYA Spanish Red Blend
Garnacha and Monastrell and SOOOO Delicious and “Easy Drinking” 92 points, James Suckling
only $9.99/btl plus ALL discounts!
Made from two quintessentially Mediterranean grapes, Garnacha Tintorera, or, as it is known outside Spain, Alicante Bouschet– and Monastrell (aka Mourvèdre), the red wine Laya is crafted by Bodegas Atalaya in Almansa, Albacete, a hot, dry region in South East Spain. The vines grow in limestone soils at an altitude between 700 and 1000 metres above sea level.
After a careful vinification process, Laya was aged for 4 months in French oak barrels.
just a truly “Yummy” bottle of Spanish RED
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Classic Rhone Wines
Rhone Reds (and some other older vintages)
from $11.99 AND UPWARDS…FOR Really GOOD Rhones and CHATEAUNEUF du Pape!!!
Gigondas, Lirac, Rasteau, Vacqueras and other delicious Rhone Reds too!
such as the ultimate Southern Rhone…Chateauneuf du Pape
Some Northern Rhone wines as well!! Cotes Rotie, Cornas, Saint Joseph
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CHAMPAGNE, PROSECCO and BUBBLIES (still plenty around..)
and..we feel there is perhaps NO BETTER WAY to alleviate the
“Covid Blues” than by crackin’ into a nice bottle of Bubbly!
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Good “Cheap uhhh..(we mean..great value) Bubbles”
Vega Median, Organic CAVA from Spain
only $11.99/btl…or take advantage of our generous mixed, whole and 1/2 case discounts…

Champagne/Cava Cellar…with “Riddling Racks”
Many more top quality Bubblies from around the Globe!!!
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Vina Borgia, Garnacha. From Spain. With the colorful label! One of our “all time” most popular Reds.
Only $9.99/btl. and $27.99 3 Litre Box. (Discounts over that too!) Parker called this “perhaps the greatest wine value on the planet”!
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and our own Private Label ” Washington Wines:
The Port Townsend Collection
Only $14.99/btl. (all discounts too..!)
Really good, award winning Washington Wines with Different Port Townsend area scenes on every label..this is our own “Private Label” we’ve been offering for
7-10 years now…and is not affiliated with Port Townsend Vineyards.
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Rose’s up the “Wazu”…and other stuff too!!
We love these “Dry Style” Rose’s any time of year!! Even in Winter…and especially in summer!
starting as low as only $7.99/btl
This South of France 100% Colombard is a lovely French dry white, perfect for any seafood dish. One of The Wine Seller’s® most popular White wines!
100% Colombard harvested at night. Montgravet has a pale, bright yellow color, with a very intense and refreshing nose. It displays flavors of citrus fruit and blackcurrant leaf. This wine will express itself best as an aperitif or with any seafood. Serve chilled at 50° F
Montgravet comes from vineyards located in the Gascony region, near the city of Toulouse in the South West of France. The climate combines the Oceanic and Mediterranean influences, which brings enough sun and humidity to grow rich, concentrated and ripe grapes. Close to the producers, and in order to source the best vineyards, our winemaker has found some amazing “terroirs” spread on hills. These hills are called “Mont” in French. So as a tribute to the terroir from where the wine comes from we have named in Mont Gravet, “Gravet” being the name of an oval shaped rock commonly found in the area.
And their delightful red wine too, made from Carignane is delicious, easy drinking with lots of South of France character…also only $11.99/btl.
and…we also sell a lovely Dry Rose from them as well…same price!
(*prices subject to change without notice)
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McManis Cabernet Sauvignon recently received a 90 point Rating in The Wine Enthusiast. This is still our “Best Selling” Cabernet! And for good reason…It’s delicious!
on ALL McManis Wines (Chardonnay, Viognier, Petite Verdot, Petitie Sirah, Merlot, Pinot Noir, Pinot Grigio of only $12.99/btl. reg. $14.99) What’s not to Love?? (not all varietals in stock at the moment….)
” Richness, Depth, and generosity are good traits of this full-bodied but smooth textured Cabernet. Light Oak accents don’t cover up the ripe, juicy, almost jammy blackberry and cherry flavors that fill the mouth and linger on the palate. It’s an all-around crowd pleaser…” Wine Enthusiast
Other McManis wines received 88-89 points in the same publication.
Petite Sirah; Viognier; Pinot Noir; Chardonnay; Merlot and more…all only $12.99 /btl.
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Powerful, refined and luscious, with a surplus of dark plum, kirsch and cassis flavors that are unctuous and long. Shows plenty of grip, presenting a long, full finish, filled with Asian spice and raspberry tart accents. Rich and chocolaty. One for the ages.
Other vintages of this and other Ports available too!
Moutard REAL FRENCH CHAMPAGNE $35.99 (and remember there’s all sorts of discounting…WINEAUX CLUB: bringing this delicous “Value Champagne” to only as low as $29.87/btl*)
Moutard Champagne Grande Cuvee Brut is a sparkling wine gem carrying on a family tradition of Champagne growers/winemakers dating to 1642. The families of Champagne Moutard Diligent have been living in the village of Buxeuil since the mid 17th century, and have a long tradition of both grape growing and wine production. Located in the Côte des Bar, the vineyard soils are made up of clays and limestones, lending to rich, fruity aromas and good minerality. Champagnes are cellar-aged for at least three years for non-vintage wines and up to ten and fifteen years for vintage wines. This beautiful Champagne of 100% Pinot Noir received outstanding scores of 90 from Wine Spectator and Tanzer and 92+ from Jon Gilman.
Moutard Champagne Grande Cuvee Brut is bright yellow-gold in color, complex and nuanced, with fine, intense bubbles. It has a seductive bouquet of pears, grilled almonds, mineral notes and apple pie followed by rich flavors of ripe stone fruits, honey and buttered toast. This Champagne has a remarkably long, delicate finish.
Enjoy Moutard Champagne Grande Cuvee Brut as the perfect aperitif and with any epicurean meal, including desserts.
Moutard Champagne
WHEN YOU MENTION THIS WEB DEAL (or are a current member of our Wineaux Gregarious Discount club, which means…you ALWAYS GET THE SECRET PRICE, whether you saw the deal or not. It pays to be a Wineaux Gregarious Club Member. Only $25/year
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Great selection now on South of France and Rhone Reds, including some fantastic Chateauneuf du Pape reds, Minervois; Languedoc/Rousillon, Corbieres, Madiran and more!
Rose’s…we got lots of ’em! FROM $8.99/BTL.
Stop in TODAY for
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Some Current Specials
Rare, hard to find or obtain Washington wines such as Five Star Cellars; Walla Walla Vintners; Fielding Hills; Gorman; Smasne; and of course…some of the legendary ones like Leonetti Cellar, Quilceda Creek, Andrew Will and Woodward Canyon.
CRANE LAKE, CK Mondavi, Tisdale,and other fine California and Washington and world WINE Bargains,
just 2 for $12* in a huge stack right up front!!
Our best Selling Wines! And for good reason…they’re decent wines with good varietal character, and they’re an Amazing Value, from the same company (Bronco Wines) that make “2-buck Chuck” (Charles Shaw Wines) for Trader Joe’s..(but most of our customers agree, the CRANE LAKE WINES are a noticeable notch up in quality and character.
Crane Lake offers a Mind Boggling assortment of varietals. Cabernet; Petite Sirah; Sauvignon Blanc; Merlot; Chardonnay; Pinot Grigio; Pinot Noir; Moscato; Riesling; Shiraz; Gewurztraminer; Sangiovese; and more…
$6.99/btl single btl
just 2 for $12*
Mix or Match!
and occasionally some other Temporary or limited Close Out Dealz wind up in our 2 for $12 pile as well…stop in and check often…
Perfectly “drinkable wines” at yesteryear prices…
and even tho there may always be wine we’d prefer to drink, The Wine Seller would not sell any wine that we wouldn’t drink!
Attention all Burgundy (whites and reds) aficionados…(you know who you are)…current and some older vintages available either in stock, or special ordered.
Burgundy…Pommard; Santenay; Savigny-Les_Beaune; Gevrey-Chambertin; Corton; Nuits-St.-Georges,,,Bourgogne Rouge… Puligny-Montrachet; Meursault; Chassagne-Montrachet; Batard-Montrachet; Corton Charlemagne; Pouilly Fuisse; Macon-Lugny; Macon Villages; Bourgogne Blanc and more!
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And some Extremely Rare Treasures:
Select Riedel and Spiegelau Stemware (and stemless “O” Series) Bavarian Glassware/Crystal
Select Riedel, Spiegelau and other fine crystal wine Glassware
from $9.99 per glass (see store for details)
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More Bubbly!
South of France Bubbly (Blanquette de Limoux...where sparkling wine was invented)
France’s Oldest Sparkling Wine..still only $14.99/btl. plus all applicable discounts!
this is one of our most popular Sparkling wines, it was actually one of Thomas Jefferson’s favorite Sparkling Wines!
…yes the Bubblies from Limoux pre-date Champagne by around 100 years!
(reg. $16.99/btl) $14.99 (and as low as $12.44/btl. with Full Wineaux Discounts)
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McManis Wines.
only $12.99/btl BEFORE Discounting
(click “McManis Wines” above to go to a description page for all their varietals)
Delicious, suprisingly well made and “user friendly” wines from California! On of our all time best selling brands!
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RADIUS, Washington Wines all only
$9.99/btl. REG.Suggested Retail $11.99/btl. (only $8.29/btl– with Full Wineaux Club Discounts!!
(dare to compare our prices to Total Wines and elsewhere’)
Regular whole/mixed and 1/2 case discounts apply for everyone else)
Cabernet Sauvignon: only $9.99/btl. Fresh, Black Cherry, Chocolate, Medium-bodied Washington- Aromas and flavors of currant, black cherry and red jammy fruit. Hints of toasty oak lead to a
long finish in this bold wine. Enjoy with red meats, game, sharp cheeses and dark chocolate. Very forward slightly sweet fruit.
Red Blend: (We like this Delicious, Soft Easy Drinking Washington Red Blend even better than 14 Hands “Hot To Trot” Red, Menage a Tois, and Apothic Red…all wines we have and sometimes still sell, (and can order in for you if you like)But many of our customers say
The Radius Red is somewhatsimilar to those) Juicy, Black Cherry, Plum, Medium-bodied Washington- Flavors and aromas of juicy rich black fruit, ripe cherry and hints of toasted vanilla oak lead into a long and tasty finish with lingering fruit notes. Well-balanced with smooth tannins, and slightly sweet/fruit forward.
*”Net” sale prices indicate the bottom-line discount, with no other case, coupon, or Wineaux Club discounts
New Arrivals and Rare, Hard to obtain Wines at The Wine Seller
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New (and some older )Vintages of Leonetti and Quilceda Creek.
New Vintages Quilceda Creek Cabernet 2019 in stock NOW!
Some older vintages available too!
New 2020 Arriving soon!
Those of you who know about these wines, they are the top two “Cult Wines” of Washington State, and some of the most sought after as well.
Your local Wine Seller®, besides keeping our prices on these quite fair (especially when purchased as part of a 1/2 or mixed/whole case, or you’re a current Wineaux Club member) gets a fairly decent allocation of these wines (more than many shops, but shhh..don’t tell them…it’ll only make them jealous). Of course, you will rarely if ever see these wines at Safeway, QFC, Costco, Trader Joe’s, BevMo, Total Wines etc. etc. and the like.
These wines are fairly strictly allocated to well-established bottle shops, like The Wine Seller®, and “White Table Cloth” restaurants only, as a rule. It generally takes years to get on the lists of these wineries, and then you have quantity purchase requirements, shipping costs, and if you ever decline your year’s shipment, you’re off the list and at the bottom again.. So Wine Not pick up a few bottles of these legendary wines while they are in stock.
We do have some back vintages as well, at slightly higher prices, of course.
Many other rare Washington wines in as well. Five Star Cellars; Walla Walla Vintners; Kontos Cellars; Fielding Hills; Long Shadows Wines; Forgeron; Dubrul Vineyards; Buty and many more.
New vintages of LEONETTI CELLAR and QUILCEDA CREEK wines in stock NOW! Washington’s 1st “Cult Wine” This hard to find wine, highly allocated cab along with their superb Merlot, Sangiovese and Reserve bottling, and of course, Cabernet Sauvignon is in stock at The Wine Seller now! Hurry though — they are limited to stock on hand. And we receive a decent yearly allocation, more than many Seattle area Wine Shops and Restaurants.
With WINEAUX GREGARIOUS club prices, these wines are often less than winery direct prices, especially when you factor in the NO SHIPPING COSTS, when you obtain your rare Washington Wines from us, here at your local Wine Seller, and the fact that you would have to be on the wineries list to be able to buy these wines (or have a friend who is), and it’s a 4-5 year waiting list to get on these lists.
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From Leonetti Cellars: Washington’s 1st “Cult” Wine. And still, one of THE most sought after wines from Washington, and known by many as one of the finest Red Wine Producers in the world!
(older vintages available in very limited supply too)
several vintages of the fabulous Leonetti Merlot Walla Walla, from $99.99/btl
(older vintages available in very limited supply too)
(older vintages available in very limited supply too)
Winemaker’s Notes
Dark, saturated and gorgeous. Intoxicating nose of fresh flowers, dark red fruit and a glorious citrus note – which Leonetti are rarely able to capture in their wines. There is also a tiny sprinkling of cedar shavings, Creme de cassis, and crushed blackcurrant. Unbelievably vibrant and focused. The palate is plush and long with a core of sweetness. Respecting the coolness of the vintage, the acidity is deliciously bright and the tannin low.
Critical Acclaim (recent press)
Wine Spectator – “Refined and elegant, showing juicy currant and blackberry fruit shaded with allspice, black pepper and bay leaf. Cabernet blend.”
The Wine Advocate – “The most unique of the 2011s barrel samples, with a bright, juicy profile that includes loads of black fruit, citrus, assorted wild herbs and floral qualities, the 2011 Reserve hits the palate with a medium to full-bodied, elegant and balanced mouthfeel, sweet tannin and an overall classy personality.
Range: 92-94 Points
Barrel Sample”
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Leonetti Reserve, new vintage arriving soon…
(Bordeaux Blend)
(older vintages available in very limited supply too)
(older vintages available in very limited supply too)
Still have some older vintages of Quilceda Creek Wines available too. EXTREMELY LIMITED on all these legendary, rare Washington Reds. Check them out upstairs in the locked cages in our “Artist’s Loft”
(prices subject to change without notice)
* Full Wineaux Gregarious club discounts are 17% off if paid by cash or check.
We list the Full Wineaux Club Discounts to illustrate what your actual cost is or could be, when you are a current member of our Wineaux Gregarious Discount Club, and pay with cash or check.
Wineaux Gregarious Members receive 14% off with credit cards and debit cards. debit (we’re working on getting a better deal on debit cards, but discovered those fees are still too high to be able to offer the “Full Wineaux Discounts” with, all the swipe fees, couples with “bank interchange fees” that we noticed coming out every month)
Other discounts for non Wineaux Club members are:
10% off for1/2 case(6bottles)
15% off for whole or mixed cases (with cash or check)
12% off for mixed/whole cases paid for by credit cards or debit
WINEAUX GREGARIOUS MEMBERSHIPS start at only $25 year for single…$10 for each additional family or corporate/business membership card
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Rare Washington wines such as Five Star Cellars; Walla Walla Vintners; Fielding Hills; Gorman; Smasne; and of course…some of the legendary ones like Leonetti, Quilceda Creek, Andrew Will and Woodward Canyon.
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Stop in or call for ordering & pricing
If we don’t have it in and the wine is available, we can usually have it in within 1 to 7 days.
Many incredible Spanish, Portuguese and Italian Wines in stock now!
One of our most popular Spanish Reds just came back in.
Protocolo Spanish Red, BACK IN STOCK!!!
9.99/btl ($8.29/btl with Full Wineaux Discounts)
Winemaker’s Notes:
The wine displays medium to high and light iridescence addresses in the ruby red edges in the glass. Aromas of mature red fruits, good arrears of Intensity, notes of coffee, vanilla and toasted. A good sign structure, emphasizing the tannin-alcohol balance acidity, fresh ripe fruit popping them in perfect conjunction with character. Mostly Tempranillo.
Attention all Burgundy (whites and reds) aficionados…you know who you are…new shipments of Burgundies arriving and more can be special ordered.
Nuits St. Georges; Chambolle-Musigny: Pommard; Puligny Montrachet; Volnay; Meursault…
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The Wine Seller®now has on display (and many bottles and vertical collections for sale) upstairs in our Artist’s and Rare Wines Loft the ENTIRE MARILYN MERLOT Vertical. From the 1985 vintage on! That’s right! Every bottle ever made and then some. We even have some of the early prototypes, EXTREMELY RARE from before the official collection began with the 1985 Vintage.
The Marilyn Merlot Vertical collection includes 12 bottles, one each of the first 12 vintages of Marilyn Merlot, 1985-1996.
$10,000 OBO
(over $14,000 on the site).
to Marilyn Merlot page
We are offering the second “Vertical” Collection 1997-2008 at $1,275 ($1,400 on their site).
a few other recent bottlings on hand, and some older vintages available as well. If you’re a Marilyn Monroe fan, or a collector of these wines, you’ve got to see this!
Norma Jean and Marilyn Bubblies too!
Prices and availability subject to change without notice
and one more “Bubbly” and one of our absolute “Faves”! Scharffenberger
Scharffenberger Brut
Tasting notes: A red fruit-forward nose with a tropical expression of litchi nut and mango. Vanilla cream character which makes for a round and full-bodied wine. After 2 years on lees there are notes of freshly baked bread and pastry that enhances the more fruit-forward style of the wine. After several months on the cork the wine develops caramel and hazelnut complexities.
Wine maker notes: Made by traditional Methode Champenoise process-whereby wines are individually bottle-fermented before being riddled and disgorged. The wine undergoes 100% malolactic fermentation. Aged 2 years on lees.
Joe says he could lose this delightful, well made California Bubbly in a Blind Tasting of REAL French Champagne…
Food pairings: Serve with oysters, bay scallop appetizers, rich creamy cheeses and fresh tropical fruit.
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“Net” sale prices indicate the bottom-line discount, with no other case, coupon, or Wineaux Club discounts. All Prices subject to change without notice.

Wine Seller proprietor/ recording Artist, Joe Euro’s 3 main CDs on $ALE NOW at only $4.99 each (reg. $9.99)$2.50 S/H ea.
UPDATE:.. both my 2021 and 2022 concerts are available to watch and listen to…found out that they seem to have left the entire concert…“warts and all”, up and available, in case you either missed this event, or want to listen and view again. The 5 or so people in the audience…various sound and light people who were the only ones there, beside my wife Katy…made for more applause than I was expecting! Thanks to all the crew! Had a full LIVE audience on my recent Candlelight Concert! March 24th 2022! Encore and STANDING OVATION!
click on Concert Recordings here to go directly to my recent Candlelight Concert…which was LIVE and, the first time I’ve played a LIVE Concert in over a year…so please excuse various flubs and sound glitches…the video seems to start during some initial sound and light tests.
You may wish to use the bar at bottom to fast forward through the sound and light check that is on there…unless you find that interesting and amusing too…lol.
there is also a link at the bottom of my picture that will take you to a page that allows you to donate to the causes my concert supports, such as our local Food Bank!
Joe Euro will be doing another wonderful Candlelight Concert, Thursday, September 26th, 2024 at 7:00

Bubblies and wine, from $5.99/btl (plus all discount levels) Champagne, Prosecco, Cava, Limoux, California, Washington, Oregon…top quality Bubblies from all these regions!! and lots of incredible wine DEALZ as well..will you be celebrating soon? or just looking for a nice, reasonable, tasty bottle of wine or Bubbly to compliment a Tuesday or Wednesday night dinner…Your local Wine Seller’s got da goods…Stop IN TODAY!!
and ALL THROUGHOUT the Weekend…as usual…yes…Sundays too!
We are OPEN 7 days a week…year round!
Stop in today….
with CURBSIDE DELIVERY/PICKUP available if desired…call us at 360-385-7673
we’ll put your order together for you.. which can be a relative “no brainer”…wine shopping made SO EASY!
just call ahead with your preferences and budget…360-385-7673
Welcome to The WINE SELLER®
.. the Wine Seller is bright and ...Cheerful!
C’mon in…have a look around! the Wine Seller®!
CONTACT-LESS CURBSIDE DELIVERY is Available too…call us 360-385-7673
Pick up or order a few nice bottles…Maybe Mix–A–Case (12+) or 2…or even 1/2 case (6) Wine not???
…when we hear you lovely and loyal “locals” say you don’t or can’t come downtown because there’s no place to park…just call ahead with your preferences and budget…360-385-7673 and we can put a mixed case or 2..or 3 or more together for you…or even just a bottle or 2 or 3…based on your preferences and budget, of course.. And as always…thanks for your business and for helping support local, independent businesses in general!

order ahead…360-385-7673 and we can run it out to your waiting vehicle, either in our 15 minute loading zone…double parked with your flashers on in the bike lane or in the middle of Water St…just like the delivery trucks do! or pop on in yourself and grab the goods…
Our Classic “Bricks & Mortar” Bottle shop in Beautiful, Historic “Downtown” Port Townsend, Washington Est. 1982
“the Small Town Bottle Shop,
with the BIG City Selection”
Est.1982! and CELEBRATING 42 YEARS!
Regular Weekday Hours:
Mondays through Thursdays
11:00 ish till at least 6:30 or so…
Fridays & Saturdays 10:30 till at least 7:00 or so.
Sundays: 11:00-6:30 or so
watch for EXTENDED Summer hours…
Bubblies and Wine, from $5.99/btl (plus all discount levels) Champagne, Prosecco, Cava, Limoux, California, Washington,Oregon..all make some pretty delicious Bubblies… will you be celebrating soon?? Your local Wine Seller’s got da goods…WINE NOT Stop BY TODAY!

Billecart-Salmon Rosé Champagne! Considered one of the worlds top Roses!!
our well stock Cheese and Deli Cooler, right up front! And there’s that lovely antique late 1800’s National cash register…
Our Amazing ‘Small but mighty” Deli/Cheese Cooler OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK-year round
We’re OPEN!! OPEN 11-6:30 or so…Sundays thru Thursdays
10:30-7:00 or so.. Friday/Saturday
with FREE Curbside Delivery/Pick up!!

Curbside Delivery/Pick-Up right out to your waiting vehicle Available! Call us 360-385-7673 or text 360-301-1221
Feeling a bit apprehensive about the whole crazy virus situation..?? So are we! And we hear you. Call ahead for curbside delivery. 360-385-7673…tell us what you’d like…mix a case or 2,3…4 or more…or a 1/2 case..or even a bottle or 2…give us your budget and we can put it together for you!
Stock up and $AVE BIG!
Then tell us the make and color of your car, park in the area, or even double park with your flashers on…we’ve not only got a 15 minute LOADING ZONE (MONDAY thru Friday) right out in front…for CURBSIDE DELIVER/PICK-UP
or double park for a minute in the bike lane with flashers on…
…and we’ll run your wine, beer, cider, bubbly…cheese and chocolates order out to your car ASAP!!
Local delivery and Fedex shipping available as well! (small fee, and/or Fedex charges applied)
WINE NOT let us put a nice package together for you..a few bottles of well chosen wine, Bubbly, Cider, perhaps some tasty cheese, some crackers, salami, duck Mousse Paté, smoked duck breast..Moroccan Olives and Olive oils, Amazing Real Italian tomato 🍅 sauces…

Real Italian Pasta sauce…so delicious!! only $6.99
We can put a nice little “Care package” together for you to either pick up, drive by for CURBSIDE PICK-UP/DELIVERY, or have locally delivered* for you!
FREE GIFT BOTTLE BAG Wrapping with ribbon or raffia tie on request!!

Let us put a custom “Care Package” together for you, or as a gift…give us a call 360-385-7673 or stop in…Social Distancing…and while we don’t require you to wear a mask, we appreciate if you do, we generally do, to help protect us all in this pandemic.
Or c’mon in…Mix–A–Case or even a 1/2 case…
$AVE BIG with our generous DISCOUNTS!

Our most popular Bubbly! and for good’s pretty dang delicious! France’s Oldest Sparkling wine, secondary fermentation in the bottle, just like Champagne, but Saint Hilaire Brut, just $14.99/btl. (plus discounts) from Limoux, France, pre-dates Champagne by over 100 years! This was also one of our Founding Father’s favorite and often ordered Bubblies..Thomas Jefferson.

lots of fine Bubblies, Cava, Prosecco and Champagnes, such as …Dom Perignon, Cristal, Krug, and many other small “Grower Champagnes” in stock and more! from $9.99 Or c’mon in…Mix-A-Case! $AVE even more!

The Roederer line up…Crystal; Roederer Estate, Anderson Valley, CA.; and their Brut Premier

Legendary Roederer Cristal” Champagne. IN STOCK NOW
Stop on in…or Call it in…it can be a fun and convenient “no brainer” way to wine shop!
We’ll give you the total, $$ and you can give your credit card #, check or cash (better Discounts..)!!
360-385-7673…or text Joe 360-301-1221. Stay healthy my friends! Cheers! … local Delivery and Fedex shipping available too! Nominal fee
And thnx for your biz!!

Wine Seller® and The Wine Seller® are registered Trademarks
Stop in (or call ahead..360-385-7673) for all those wines, ciders and beer & ale needs for your Feeds & Feasts…Gatherings, dinners, and Guzzlings, etc, etc..and remember…Wine makes great gifts, all year long!!

Cheers! From your friends at The Wine Seller
Founded and Established by Joe Euro way back in 1982. The “Guzzler in Chief”! The Taster, Sniffer, Sipper, Quaffer, Pontificator…and Bon Vivant!
visit Joe Euro’s other sites: Joe Euro Travel and Joe Euro Music
please Guzzle Responsibly!

.remember to eat and drink well…Cheers, and Bon appetit!!
…and remember “a meal without wine, is like a day without sunshine”
WINE TASTINGS generally 1st & 3rd Fridays/month October till May
1st & 3rd Fridays/month Wine Tastings at The Wine Seller.
5:30ish $10pp* (1/2 for current WINEAUX club members..and FREE* with minimum purchase) join the FUN!
(*will be going up to $20 pp with 1/2 price for current WINEAUX GRAGARIOUS CLUIB members…and still FREE*!! when you buy at least 3 from the tasting line up…)
check our facebook page for last minute updates 
go to Specials page
we’ve listed a few of our Specials here, even more on our Specials page…and for the best look at what we have…we strongly suggest stopping in often and having a look around!

Delicious, quite well-made Washington wines that overdeliver way above their price point of only $17.99/btl plus all discount levels! And nothing to do with the Alki part of Seattle…these wines are from the Milbrandt family of wines in Eastern Washington…and Alki is supposedly a Native American term that means “Hope For The Future”…we’ll drink to that!
Radius Washington Reds, only $9.99/btl (that’s around $3-$4/btl less than Total Wine’s Price!!…really…check it out)

Radius Washington Reds, only $9.99/btl WG*….compare this with the Big Box retailer, Total Wine’s “Winery Direct Price” Spoiler Alert…Radius is $13.99 there..) Cabernet Sauvignon, Red Blend and Merlot..Chardonnay available as well, but we don’t generally stock that. Quite popular here, albeit a touch on the sweet side. and while we don’t usually stock the Chardonnay…we have customers that Special Order it by the case!! Weekly deliveries on this!! – Flavors and aromas of juicy rich black fruit, ripe cherry and hints of toasted vanilla oak lead into a long and tasty finish with lingering fruit notes. Well-balanced with smooth tannins. Dare to compare prices with some of our “BIG BOX” COMPETITION…(*WG=WINEAUX GREGARIOUS CLUB)
Rombauer Chardonnay, in stock NOW!
CAPPELLETTI…quite similar to Campari…but less alcohol (only 17%…as opposed to Campari at around 23%)
…so we can sell it here! and hence…no additional liquor taxes…!! try a Cappelletti Soda or Spritz!! Yum!

Cappelletti aperitivo, $23.99/btl with only sales tax, NO ADDITIONAL LIQUOR TAX!! with full Wineaux Club discounts WG) delicious slightly bitter sweet natural wine based and quite similar to Campari!! But quite a bit less..especially since it’s under 20% Alc, and as such, is NOT SUBJECT to additional liquor taxes like Campari!! Cappelletti Soda or Spritz!! Yum!
and Wine Not C’mon in any day and grab a few bottles or WINE NOT GRAB A BOX (left side of cooler) and Get Busy mixing a Case…we can help!!
Mix 6…(10% OFF)..or a mixed or whole case (any 12+= 15% OFF*) We do lots of Special Ordering…and our WINEAUX GREGARIOUS CLUB DISCOUNTS…are truly hard to beat!
(*3% less discounts with credit/debit cards)

By the bottle, case or carload…it’s fun to Mix-A-Case…OR let us Mix a Case for you…
WINE NOT MIX-a-CASE…TODAY!! or have us do it for you…and run it out to your vehicle…
…just a few of our Specials
An Amazing array of wines, not just from Washington and Oregon, but all over the world!! And our Special Ordering capabilities are “legendary” often you want it, and we have it in for you the next day or at least within a few days to a week!
…here’s just a few examples of “Screamin’ DealZ” you can find right NOW…at your locally owned Wine Seller!
..dare to compare prices $$$ …as usual.. The Wine Seller seems to generally have them all beat! (or comes pretty dang close…)How does this little “bricks n mortar” bottle shop do it?? Time and time again…hmmm
ORGANIC SPANISH RED only $8.99/btl

… as low as only $7.46with full Wineaux Club Discounts…delicious Organic Spanish Red..only $8.99 plus discounts)
Honoro Vera Organic Monastrell (known in France as Mourvedre) Red Wine…one of themain grape components of many southern Rhone reds such as Cotes du Rhone; Chateauneuf du Pape; Lirac; Gigondas etc. and of course, a main ingredient for what we call our domestic and/or Aussie counterpart Blends: GSM (Grenache/ Syrah/ Mourvedre)
was $9.99/btl. Now…new lower price..take this delicious Spanish Red for
Honoro Vera Organic Spanish Red:
Honoro Vera Organic Monastrell is made with Monastrell grapes (known as Mourvedre in France and the west Coast of USA) from vineyards that are planted on poor and stony limestone soil. This soil does not have a lot of nutrients in it and is not irrigated a lot. The result is a wine that has a high aromatic intensity and a great fruit concentration. It is very pleasant and easy to drink. The foods that you can make to go with this Monastrell wine are dark chocolate, blue cheese burgers, grilled lamb chops, braised oxtail stew, veal with baba ganoush, and baked eggplants stuffed with lamb mince….and damn fine with pizza too!
@ The Wine Seller is OPEN EVERYDAY even now…during this Corona Virus debacle…
Next Tasting: October 4th, 2024
throughout the store.…
11:00 till around 6:30 or so..10:30 till 7:00 or so Fridays/Saturdays
a few Specials..changes all the time
Still plenty of the Legendary Leonetti Cellar Wines! Especially the Cabernet!
Most shops and restaurants get little to none of this highly sought after, highly allocated winery’s reds…but…being one of the oldest and finest bottle shops in Washington State…our long standing relationships often pay off with greater allocations!

As many Bottle Shops and retailer either get little or none at all of the Legendary Leonetti Cabernet Sauvignon…we still have a few bottles of their 2016!! $129.99 (plus discounts!!) Other tasty, fine examples of other Varietals as well..Merlot; Sangiovese; and a stunning Red-Bordeaux Blend!

Leonetti Merlot…certainly one of the country’s and Washington’s best Merlots
New Vintages of Legendary and Highly Allocated, difficult to find Quilceda Creek Cabernet and ’16 in NOW! $199.99 and Leonetti Cellar Reds
Some older vintages available too! (just uncovered a stash of ’09 Quilceda Creek Cabernet…( $299.99) so took one to El Gaucho in Seattle…paid the $30 corkage…shared with their Somme,,,so incredible still!!) and we have their much more affordable Quilceda CVR (Columbia Valley Red)
LUXARDO CHERRIES…The Original…yeah…we got ’em

Kenwood Wines, only $11.99/btl (and less than $10 with all discounting Reg. $15.99) really delicious California wines! Sauvignon Blanc (one of Joe’s personal “go to” whites) Chardonnay (delicious and not too oaky) Merlot 🍷and Red Zinfandel 🍷 too!!

Ready to splurge just a bit on some BIG CABS..?? We’ve got quite an array! Many are highly allocated and hence, quite difficult to find…

lighter, easy drinkin’ French red in a 3 litre box…La Vielle Ferme (the old farm) mostly made from the grenache grape…many other well made BOX Wines too!!
go to Joe Euro’s music page
to EVENTS page
Wine seller owner, Joe Euro is also a well regarded Instrumental Acoustic Guitarist/Recording artist with LIVE Performances and CDs and Streaming music
Joe played several LIVE STREAMED “Candlelight Concerts” on January 28th, 2021…and March 24th, 2022 click on either date to watch and listen…
We now have some great news to share — Candlelight Concerts returned in 2021, although in a different format. Musicians will perform at Trinity United Methodist Church as in the past, but attendance via live-streaming instead of in-person. Joe’s March, 2022 Candlelight Concert had a LIVE audience again though!
In place of accepting donations at the door, a PayPal link is provided for those who wish to generously donate to the worthy causes supported by Candlelight Concert donations.
Joe is pretty amazing, so you won’t want to miss this performance!
You can “Stream” Joe Euro’s music on various sites:
(Amazon Music; Spotify; CD; iTunes; YouTube; Rhapsody…and more…just punch in Joe Euro) available to enhance your wine enjoyment and life in general..create a Joe Euro Station on any of those to hear Joe’s music and other similar artists in the algorithm
Tell your “Smart Speaker” to “PLAY JOE EURO”…
Joe hosts Small Group journeys too!
to Joe Euro’s Travel page
Stay tuned to see where Joe will Go next!!! And Wine Not join him next time!!
Joe is also a well regarded “Finger-Style” / “Neo-Classical” Guitarist/Recording Artist as well as Wine Seller Proprietor and Travel host!
Joe Euro plays his unique and quite varied brand of acoustic, instrumental guitar (s) Occasionally LIVE and on all of his recordings. Joe Euro Music
Joe Euro brought his special brand of all acoustic, instrumental “finger-Style” “Neo-Classical” guitar to Finnriver Cidery on Sunday,May 22nd from 5-7 or so…in the beautiful, bucolic farm town of Chimicum…Finnriver Cidery
(we also sell their delicous Ciders and Liquere-like treats at Joe’s shop, The Wine Seller)
You didn’t miss my Concert afterall…it’s right here!
This link seems to have been disable for now…I’ll try to get it back soon…stay tuned!
Here’s the link to my recent Candlelight Concert..March 24th, 2022 so, no worries, you didn’t really miss it, or watch/listen again even if you were there! fast forward thru the opening “yakkity-yak” if you want to get right to the music! And of course, there is a link to donate to the charity I chose to support. Bayside Housing, that helps homeless folks.
Here’s the link to my January 2021 Concert too… both are presented “warts n all” with more “flubs” than I wanted, but oh well…enjoy! First LIVE actual concert with an audience in several years…
And, if and/or when you listen/watch…please do so with some decent speakers or headphones

Marrowstone Vineyards
Stay tuned for other future LIVE performances by Joe Euro…Joe’s music facebook page
go to Joe Euro’s Music page
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Hope you got to walk this path with Joe fall 2019… this is one of the gorgeous properties/wineries/restaurants (Michelin star) we visited and stayed at for 5 nights!!! …they make fantastic Sparkling wines here as well as fantastic full bodied reds!
Some of our group from the Portugal/NW Spain trip. October 2018
Our intrepid group of “Enthusiastic Travelers” at our fabulous Inn/Relais in Northern Italy’s Piemonte Region and then Venice…May, 2017
Ahhh…Venice.. May 2017
Where will Joe go next…??? sign up in the box above (or on the left side) to be added to our Constant Contact email list and get info about Wine Seller stuff…Joe Euro Travel info as well as info on Joe Euro’s music too!
Go with Joe!
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go to Travel page…
Go with Joe…Joe Euro Travel

Joe Euro, with a passion for fine wine and food Founded The Wine Seller in 1982 He is also a somewhat renowned guitarist and recording artist, and is available for Weddings, Corporate and Private Events, as well as House here to check out his music site… and…Joe also hosts “small group tours” to exotic places,mostly Europe…click here to see his Travel Page
Stop in TODAY and have fun browsing our Amazing and Vast Selection…well chosen Wines, Beer, Ciders, Gourmet Foods…Chocolates and more!
THERE ARE AMAZING DEALZ throughout the store ON ALL KINDS OF “tasty STUFF”! too numerous to list! Joe just bought a HUGE CLOSE OUT DEAL from one of our distributors downsizing…so even more temporary DEALZ throughout the store!!
WINE NOT Grab a Box AND get busy..
MIX-a-CASE (any 12) or even a 1/2 case (any 6) gets a Discount too!!
and to Save the most…WINE NOT become a member of our “WINEAUX GREGARIOUS” Discounts Club!! (see details below)
here’s just a few of our current DEALZ…
go to Specials page

Newest Vintages Quilceda Creek Cabernet
Leonetti Cellar Wines. Rare and Highly Allocated…but we get some! Washington’s first “Cult Wine”
go to “Specials” page
(prices and availability subject to change without no
WINE NOT! what’s not to love??
…we are OPEN EARLY (10:30) AND Stay LATE
(till at least 7:30) EVERY WEEKEND
Regular Weekday Hours: Mondays through Thursdays 11:00-7:00ish
Fridays & Saturdays 10:30- 7:30ish
Sundays: 11:00-7:00 or so
watch for extended holiday hours…
OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK- year round
1010 Water Street
“downtown” Port Townsend, WA 98368
next to The Palace Hotel
SIGN UP to our newsletter to get the latest news, offers, and exclusive discounts from Joe and the Wine Seller!
By submitting this form, you are consenting to receive marketing emails from: . You can revoke your consent to receive emails at any time by using the SafeUnsubscribe® link, found at the bottom of every email. Emails are serviced by Constant Contact
Wine Seller® and The Wine Seller® are trademarks registered in the US Patent and Trademark Office.

Check out our generous Mixed-Whole Case- and 1/2 Case Discounts… and WINEAUX GREGARIOUS MEMBERSHIP DISCOUNT CLUB!
Check out our generous Mixed-Whole Case- and 1/2 Case Discounts… and WINEAUX GREGARIOUS MEMBERSHIP DISCOUNT CLUB! (from $25 pp/year)
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Our classic “Bricks and Mortar” Wine Shop…Established 1982

Wine Seller Founder, Owner, Joe Euro…during Covid Times…holding a few of his faves…Chateauneuf du Pape, and Leonetti Cellar Wall Walla Cab.
$25/year Family /Corporate Memberships, Extra $10 per Family or Associate Member.
$150 Lifetime (Extra $100 per Family/Associate member)*
17%* OFF everything (14%* OFF with credit/debit cards)
Wineaux discounts apply to all current and sale prices on Wines (but not “net” prices)
Beers & Ale, Ciders, Port, Sherry and Madiera
Cheese and Deli items
Corkscrews and other Wine Gizmos such as aerators, wine glasses and decanters.
Joe Euro’s Music CDs and Digital Download Cards as well as other artist’s CDs and Videos we sell, such as Celtic Harpist, David Michael, and Local Recording/Sound Engineer “Extraordinaire”, Neville Pearsall’s Debut CD, “From So Far Away”
1/2 price* to most Wine Tastings*
go to “Events” Page
Joe Euro Music page
Joe Euro has been regularly performing at Spirits Bar & Grill in Hadlock at the Old Alcohol Plant…Stay tuned for future appearances!
Wine Seller Owner/Guitarist Joe Euro at a recent winery concert. click here
SPECIALS…just the “tip of the Iceberg” of our Specials and Inventory….stop in and browse!
Our own “Private Label” Washington Wines..The Port Townsend Collection $12.99/btl before discounts!!
go to “Specials” page
go to “Tastings” page
The Wine Tasting Bar at one of our 1st & 3rd Fridays Wine Tastings.
generally…when tastings resume….Arrive between 5:30-7:00 ish (Wine Seller is open till 8:00 or so tho, on Fridays and Saturdays)
$10 pp (1/2 for WINEAUX) and FREE* when you buy 3..or more
$10 entry fee (rebated to you with minimum purchase of 3 bottles or more from Tasting line up!)
(Wineaux Club members, 1/2 price)
Tastings on hold till further notice because of Corona Virus Concerns and restrictions on public gatherings.
go to ‘Specials” page
(prices and availability subject to change without notice)
LAYA Spanish Red Blend
Garnacha and Monastrell and So Delicious and “Easy Drinking” 92 points, James Suckling
only $9.99/btl plus ALL discounts!
go to “Specials” page
“Wine is constant proof that God loves us and loves to see us happy.”
Benjamin Franklin
“Good wine is a necessity of life, for me” Thomas Jefferson
started again in OCTOBER
they usually run 1st & 3rd Fridays all the
…Check out A VAST ARRAY OF ALL SORTS OF WINES, (Reds; Whites and Rose’s) BUBBLIES, CIDERS AND DESSERT WINES… meant to compliment all your Feasts, Festivities and Celebrations…and just “plain ole everyday meals and quaffing”

WINE NOT MIX-A-CASE..0r even a 1/2 case…all price ranges!
WINE NOT MIX-A-CASE..0r even a 1/2 case…all price ranges!
go to Events page
back to top
Our Classic “Bricks & Mortar” Bottle the Heart of Port Townsend’s Historic District.
Our Classic “Bricks & Mortar” Bottle the Heart of Port Townsend’s Historic District.
go to “Tastings” page
Gift Certificates…any amount…and you don’t even need to be 21 or over to buy them for Parents, Grandparents, Friends, Teachers, Relatives…

Gift Certificates…any amount…and you don’t even need to be 21 or over to buy them for Parents, Grandparents, Friends, Teachers, Relatives…
Wine, Craft Beer, local and Imported Ciders….Wine Gizmos and Gadgets..
to “Products” page

LUXARDO CHERRIES…yeah, we got ;em $23.99
Premium Wood Box Gift Sets
Real Italian Pasta sauce…so delicious!! only $7.99*
Riedel and Spiegelau Glassware… Great Prices!
to “Specials” page
back to top
Joe Euro Travel
Go With Joe
a somewhat late Covid cancellation has just opened up only 2 more spaces..this trip was totally filled…so here’s your chance…contact Doumina Whyman at
Your Travel Host, Joe Euro, Founder of The Wine Seller
go to “Joe Euro Travel” page
Joe is working now with one of his favorite Travel Companies, The Enthusiastic Travel, and Founder, Doumina Whyman
May 14th – 24th, 2023! Spanish Immersion. From Segovia to Seville, see Spain at her best in the month of May. Flower shows, dancing horses, cattle breeding, tapas crawling, Visit the Alhambra and other historical wonders. Write to for all information.
more info , itinerary and pricing to follow…

Auxerre, Chablis Country. On one of our Barge tours
This is one of the Canal Boats we’ve rented in France.

Porto, a Joe Euro Travel “small group journey in 2018
Stay tuned for news of other upcoming “Small Group Journies” with Joe Euro
to travel page
What a friend wine has in Cheeses! Wine Not Check out our Cheese & Deli Cooler One of our latest faves..Elderflower Tomme from France Local Cheeses too!
Since 1982, Wines, Champagne & Sparkling Wines, Port, Sherry, Vermouth as well as a great selection of Beer and Ale and Ciders.
WINE-NOT STOP IN TODAY, and Mix–A–Case! (empty boxes left side of Cooler…any 12 bottles) Save BIG $$$
(with our generous 1/2, Whole/Mixed Case and Wineaux Gregarious Club* Discounts)
At The WINE SELLER®, you can expect personal, friendly, knowledgeable service, and a wonderful, competitively priced selection for discriminating palates in and around Port Townsend, Washington, and neighbors, friends, and visitors from around the world.
$25/year Family /Corporate Memberships, Extra $10 per Family or Associate Member.
$150 Lifetime (Extra $100 per Family/Associate member)*
17%* OFF everything (14%* OFF with credit/debit cards)
Wineaux discounts apply even to $ale prices on Wines, Beers & Ale; Cheese and Deli items; Corkscrews and other Wine Gizmos such as aerators, wine glasses and decanters. Chocolates; Coffee too
Joe Euro’s Music CDs and Digital Download Cards
Wine Tastings: 1st & 3rd Fridays / Month
October through June (on hold due to Covid 19)
click here for current tastings schedule
click here for other Specials…better yet, stop in and browse!
go to New Releases and Rare Wines
IT’S LEONETTI TIME…and isn’t it always Leonetti Time..?? (if you can get it…)
This Iconic Washington Red Producer has had a “Cult Following” for decades now…hard to come by…not cheap…but so incredible!
Cabernet Sauvignon
Please let us know ASAP what you may like of the latest Releases of Leonetti Cab and a touch of Cabernet; Merlot; just a bottle or so of Reserve. Dont miss out!

Highly Rated Vintages available in limited supply. See Store. Some with 100 point ratings QUILCEDA CREEK is the ONLY Domestic Winery to receive 6 100 point scores from Robert Parker’s Wine Advocate!
Washington’s top 2 Legendary Red Wine Producers. And Most highly prized and tightly allocated…but we get some here, and admittedly more than many Seattle stores because of our long standing relationships with these producers at The Wine Seller®
a comprehensive listing of currently available older vintages of these two legendary, collectible and age-worthy Washington Wineries. Stay Tuned!
go to “New Releases” page
Older, Highly Rated Vintages of Leonetti available on a Very limited Basis. See Store.
our yearly allocation… get on down here, or call with your wishes, and we’ll try to make your Leonetti and/or QUILCEDA CREEK Dreams come true.
…a few other older vintages in stock too!
New Vintages (and still a few older ones…) of Leonetti, and Quilceda Creek CRW (Columbia Valley Red)…Red Blend (declassified barrels of their other Cabernet, that costs 3 x as much!)
back to top
(prices and availability subject to change without notice)
also visit:
Joe Euro, Finger-Style Instrumental Guitarist will be LIVE once again at this beautiful country Winery THIS SUMMER 2024! 2 Sunday afternoons 1-4…July 14th and August 18th

Joe Euro, Finger-Style Instrumental Guitarist will be LIVE once again at this beautiful country Winery THIS SUMMER 2024! 2 Sunday afternoons 1-4…July 14th and August 18th
Joe Euro will be LIVE again with his tasty brand of Acoustic, Instrumental “Finger-Style” Guitar at Marrowstone Vineyards! August 12th and 19th, 2023 ,…as well as September 2nd, 2023…all 5-8. Catch Joe’s LIVE performances there at this beautiful Winery on Marrowstone Island!
Great wines too…and a gorgeous place for a picnic…
Joe will also be LIVE at the 46th Annual Wooden Boat Festival again on Sunday, September 10th 2023 at 11 AM (AND HE WILL MOST LIKELY BE ABLE TO START HIS SET A TOUCH EARLIER, AS HE IS THE FIRST ACT OF THE DAY!!)

Joe Euro was LIVE March 24th, 2022 7:00 PM and again on April 27th, 2023
This is Joe Euro performing at a Candlelight Concert. Joe performed another of these in January 2020!! thThursday Evening the 23rd at 7:00PM Thursday Evening, January 23rd, 2020 Joe’s Holiday Cheer CD, and Joe’s other CDs available to download individual tracks (12) or the whole CD at CD, Spotify, Amazon Music, Rhapsody, Apple music…and several other streaming and download sites. Tell your “Smart Speaker” to “PLAY JOE EURO”
(Special… Dowload Cards available at the Wine Seller for only $5 each)
for the entire CD of any of his CDs..
Joe Euro’s Holiday Cheer CD download only for now, or copies at the shop. Digital Download Cards coming soon at The Wine Seller too.

Joe Euro’s Holiday Cheer CD download only for now, or copies at the shop. Digital Download Cards coming soon at The Wine Seller too.
click here to go to CD Baby and listen to samples and download the whole 12 track album or individual tracks.
click here to go to CD Baby and listen to samples and download the whole 12 track album or individual tracks! Several tracks are good any time of year…such as “Winter Sunrise”; Simple Gifts (Joe’s arrangement of the classic); Snow Day; Greensleeves; and Pachelbel Canon
(Joe’s arrangement again…)
Joe Euro was LIVE again January 23, 2020
Candlelight Concert.. Hope you made it, and a HUGE thank you to all that did!!
CHECK JOE EURO’S MUSIC facebook page
for other upcoming performances and recordings
Stay tuned for other possible upcoming musical appearances by Joe Euro
go to Joe Euro Music page
Joe Euro’s Instrumental Music Pairs well with many wines, Romantic Dinners, Seductively Delicious Wines and Champagne!
Joe Euro’s Music Available on CD Baby;; iTunes, Napster, Spotify and more
Available at my shop, The Wine Seller, and can be shipped, or…click on any of these CD covers to be taken to to listen, Steam…or buy from them..

these 3 Joe Euro’s CD’s now only $4.99 each or 3 for $14.95
also available from other online retailers
like cd
(only available locally) “Holiday Cheer” Joe Euro’s Collection of Traditional Holiday Tunes and some “Seasonal” Original Compositions…(contains some tracks from “Sampler” CD) $9.99 ($2.50 S/H)
Joe Euro’s Holiday Cheer CD download only for now, or copies at the shop. Digital Download Cards at The Wine Seller too.
click here to go to CD Baby and listen to samples and download the whole 12 track album or individual tracks.
Holiday Cheer on CD
“Through The Years”…by me!! Joe Euro! (Formerly titled “Sampler”…but not just a Sampler any more) 5 recent recording on guitar. Green sleeves, Pachelbel Canon, Simple Gifts, and great originals…the older tracks, still well recorded and tasty, but sliding into obscurity…that I did 15-20 or so years ago with the likes of David Michael, Benji Wertheimer, the late Randy Meade, and more!! All tracks I am prominently featured on, that I obtained the rights to use here!
Through The Years (Sampler) $9.99
Exclusively at The Wine Seller!! ($2.50 S/H)
(only available locally)
Through The Years…(previously titled “Sampler”) some new stuff, some out of the “Archives” (contains some “non-Holiday” tracks from “Holiday Cheer” $9.99 ($2.50 s/h)
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Parisian outdoor Market

one of our Canal Barges we’ve rented with our groups when in France
Joe Euro leads and hosts small group trips to France, Italy, Spain, Chile/Argentina. Wine and Food related, but we make sure we see the great sights and experience all the Culture, History, Food & Wine and fascinating people on our fantastic small group journeys. Wine not Join us?
Our lovely “Bricks & Mortar” Bottle shop on Water Street “Downtown” Port Townsend, WA. Next to the Palace Hotel
Order your Dinner, Party and Special Event Wines, Bubblies, Beers and Ciders for your home…or special events! 360-385-7673 Weddings, Parties, Meetings etc. etc.
Remember too, you can buy some really great wines at at the Wine Seller for far less, usually, than restaurant prices, and bring these wines to your local favorite restaurants, pay the nominal “corkage fee” and enjoy. (Remember though to please, tip your server based on if you had bought a bottle off their wine list…thank you)
Wines, Beer, Champagne/Bubblies and Cider
Gift bags Galore, some FREE with Purchase, others for Sale at very reasonable prices (check out the crafty “one of a kind” Gift Bottle Bags)
The WINE SELLER ® is a legal shipper of Wine, Beer, Bubblies and Hard Cider
however, many state have restrictions, so we do not ship to all states (see store for more details)

Gift Certificates…any amount…need not be 21 to purchase, so great gift for parents, aunts/uncles, grandparents etc…never expire
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Lost of fun stuff throughout the store…however,
We cannot carry EVERYTHING, all the time…there are literally a few million wines, beers, “Bubblies” etc. available through Washington Distributors and Direct to us from Wineries….so the WINE SELLER® acts, quite often, as
Wine, Champagne, Beer “brokers”, and we can take your requests for things we can usually obtain within 1 to 14 days. So what is not on our shelves, at any given time, can often be had with a simple request and pre -order.
“Meet or Beat Pricing“*
(or at least come pretty dang close)
especially on pre-Orders!
Stop in or give us a call…we’d love to earn your business!
…but it’s not always about the absolute lowest price…our prices are quite fair and competitive, but it’s about service, selection and knowledge as well.
Call or stop by with the best price you’ve seen on some of your supermarket or “big box” retailer favorites! and Remember…
Costco, Trader Joe’s, and BevMo DO NOT DISCOUNT for quantity, whole/mixed case, or 1/2 case (6 btl.) discounts! The price you see there, is the price you pay! And often our discounted prices BEATS their “shelf price”! Give us a try 1st. 360-385-7673 See that price there, then call us and see if we can get it for you at a similar or maybe even better price! And thanks for your support!
We generally Meet and often BEAT (or at least can come pretty dang close to) prices from Total Wines, Compass Wines and Pete’s as well! Just stop in or give us a call (360-385-7673) and give us a chance to earn your business and help KEEP your business LOCAL. Supports local independent, family owned businesses, and keeps your taxes right here in our town and county too!
The Wine Seller® has a whole range of discounting levels. But we have to have a before discounts price level as well, even if that price represents a temporary mark down or “Close-Out Dealz”. We do need to pay the bills and keep the lights on. (1/2, Mixed, Whole cases and Wineaux Club discounts.)
The Wine Seller® doesn’t want ALL of your wine biz…no wait..yes we actually do! So please try to buy just about all your fermented beverages from us, and this will be a better world…and we thank you. Reject and Cancel Out of those Winery and Wine Clubs that send you expensive wines you may not really want…Support a small local business…and get great Dealz too!
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there’s lots of “Mention This Web Deal” Special Pricing in here! Why? To get you to peruse our site and check out some Amazing Dealz at “rock Bottom prices”.
Call us or send a text (360-301-1221) or email message even if you are at the winery itself, had it at a restaurant, or see it at another retailer, (either a “Bricks & Mortar” shop, like ours, or at an “online retailer”) and want to see if we can get that product right here at home, perhaps saving you shipping costs as well. Often, winery prices are full retail, and restaurant prices are all over the board, from double retail to sometime 4 times that...“dealz” and $avings can often be obtained through our distribution network and with our volume buying power! Yes, tho we are a relatively small retail store, operating and existing in the shadow of the “Big Box” Retailers…we’ve been around a while, and know people and know how this game is played. 360-385-7673 or
Of course, your local Wine Seller® has plenty of great wine deals on wine and beer we taste and buy, and stock our shelves with. We have an amazing selection from around the world — Spain, Portugal, Italy, France, New Zealand, Australia, Argentina, Chile, South Africa, as well as one of the best selections around of Washington and Oregon Wines…and yes..California wines too..well chosen for value and enjoyment!..

We can help guide you through the Maze of the Wine Seller’s® Amazing Selection at our Absolutely Gorgeous (so we’ve been told) truly “Bricks &; Mortar” Wine Shop and we like to think… a pleasant place to shop and “Treasure Hunt”
It’s an ever-changing selection at the Wine Seller® as well, as we deal with a lot of small, medium and large producers of all sorts of premium fermented beverages. (Wine, Champagne/Sparkling Wines, Beer & Ale, Hard Ciders, etc. etc.) So stop in often and while you’re here, WINE NOT grab a box right next to the cooler and
mix-a-case…Wine Not! grab an empty box (left side of cooler) and select any 12 bottles.
Our generous 15%* every day mixed or whole case discounts* are truly hard to beat! (10% off 6 BTL. 1/2 CASES) WINEAUX GREGARIOUS Club members save even more…AS MUCH AS 17% off REGULAR AND SALE PRICES! (with NO quantity requirements…and your Wineaux Gregarious Club Discounts Cheese/
to “Products” page
apply to Cheese and deli items; Beer & Ale; Chocolates; Corkscrews and Wine Accessories…and more.*)
Often, our discounts combined with Winery and/or Distributor mark downs and occasional “Close Out Dealz“ savings can be 30%–40%–50%
sometimes even over 75% OFF
The WINE SELLER ® does get offered many small and medium lot Close Out Dealz!
(*some restrictions, see store for details)
Check in often, as these tend to fly out, once they’re discovered!
Beer, Ale, Cider, Mead and more.
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Artist’s Loft/Gallery
Currently in our Artist’s Loft Gallery:
“ORPHANED ART” A collection of various Paintings, Posters and Framed wine corks from Joe Euro’s Private Collection.
Other items up there on display and some for Sale too. Head on up there. Our Art Gallery Loft is

1st 12 bottles from 1985 on for 12 vintages! $10,000 OBO
“Marilyn MERLOT” Wines. The entire Series as well as some of the early Protoypes on display and available for purchase. At the Wine Seller
to Marilyn Merlot Collection page
back to Specials page
(see Specials page for reviews)
Rose’…we got lots of ’em! Some sell out quickly, new and different Rose’s come in throughout the season…Stop in TODAY for some fine Dry Rose’ for drinking everyday
Perfect for any day..Dry Rose’
50 shades of Rose’…Lots of Fabulous Dry Rose’ in Stock Now!!
Great selection now on South of France and Rhone Reds, including some fantastic Chateauneuf du Pape reds. Rhone Reds, Whites and Rose’s starting at only $8.99/btl ($7.47/btl with Full Wineaux Club Discounts)
Chateau Beaucastel, one of France’s Top Chateauneuf du Pape wines. And their fantastic “Coudelet de Beaucastel” Cotes du Rhone…from their vineyards right across the road…but that road is the legal boundary of Chateauneuf du Pape…so this second wine, at around 1/3 the price of their Chateauneuf…cannot be called Chateaueneuf du Pape.
Rare, hard to find or obtain Washington wines such as Five Star Cellars; Walla Walla Vintners; Gorman; and of course…some of the legendary ones like Leonetti Cellar, Quilceda Creek and Woodward Canyon.
CRANE LAKE WINES, CK Mondavi, Tisdale (and other fine California Varietal Wines, and occasionally some temporary Close Out DEALZ)
just 2 for $12*
(or $6.99 individually)
Mix and/or Match
Our best Selling Wines! And for good reason…they’re decent wines with good varietal character, and they’re an Amazing Value, from the same company (Bronco Wines) that make “2-buck Chuck” (Charles Shaw Wines) for Trader Joe’s..(but most of our customers agree, the CRANE LAKE WINES are a noticeable notch up in quality and character)
Crane Lake offers a Mind Boggling assortment of varietals. Cabernet; Petite Sirah; Sauvignon Blanc; Merlot; Chardonnay; Pinot Grigio; Pinot Noir; Moscato; Riesling; Shiraz; Gewurztraminer; Sangiovese; and more…
CK Mondavi and Tisdale Wines are in our
2 fer $12 pile as well…
Mix or Match!
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occasionally some other Temporary or limited Close Out Dealz wind up in our 2 for $12 pile as well…
Perfectly “drinkable wines” at yesteryear prices…
and even tho there may always be wine we’d prefer to drink,
The WINE SELLER ® would not sell any wine that we wouldn’t drink!
“Life’s too short to drink bad wine”
Attention all Burgundy (Bourgogne) (whites and reds) aficionados…you know who you are…new shipments of Burgundies (Whites and Reds) some older vintages too. Available in shop and for ordering. We do have the best selection around of true Burgundy Wines, and The WINE SELLER® Hard to find elsewhere…and we can Special Order many more from small, premium and esoteric importers.
Chassagne /or Puligny Montrachet; Corton and Corton Charlemagne; Pommard; Meursault; Nuits St. Georges; Gevrey Chambertin; Santenay; Savigny-Les Beaune; and more. Stop in and check out our Burgundies..and Chablis!
back to Specials page
Select Riedel Stemware (and stemless “O” Series) Bavarian Glassware/Crystal
Speigelau Wine Glasses and Cristal
In Store, Every-day price: starting at $9.99 each some are higher priced and marked accordingly.
Suggested Retail: $15.99-$19.99 each and up.
other Riedel, Spiegelau and Stozle Glasses available as well…
Marilyn Merlot
The Marilyn Merlot Vertical collection includes 12 bottles, one each of the first 12 vintages of Marilyn Merlot, 1985-1996.
$10,000 JUST SOLD…but just acquired another huge collection of Marilyn…haven’t even unboxed it yet..

$10,000 JUST SOLD ($16,000 on the site).
We are offering the second “Vertical” Collection 1997-2008 at $1,475 ($1,650 on their site)
Other current and older vintages available as well as some of the “Norma Jean” Wines and Marilyn “Champagnes”. Most of what we have is priced considerably lower than on the actual Marilyn Merlot order page!
to Marilyn Merlot Collection page
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Lots of Organic, and/or
“Sustainably Farmed” and/or
Biodynamic and “Natural” Wines all over the store!
Stop in Today and see…
Quilceda Creek Cabernet in stock too! And some older vintages as well.
Extremely limited
One of Washington’s rarest, and most sought after Cabernets! just try finding this at Safeway or Total Wines…
Prices and Specials subject to change and availability without notice.
Some Wines/items limited to stock on hand.
(*cash or checks preferred with “net” price deals. thanks)
*”Net” sale prices indicate the bottom-line discount, with no other case, coupon, or Wineaux Club discounts
$25/year Family /Corporate Memberships, Extra $10 per Family or Associate Member.
$150 Lifetime (Extra $100 per Family/Associate member)*
17%* OFF everything (14%* OFF with credit/debit cards)
Wineaux discounts apply even to $ale prices on Wines, Beers & Ale; Cheese and Deli items; Corkscrews and other Wine Gizmos such as aerators, wine glasses and decanters. Chocolates; Coffee too
Joe Euro’s Music CDs and $5 Digital Download Cards
WINEAUX GREGARIOUS MEMBERS receive 1/2 price* Admission to most Wine Tasting events
*some restrictions, see store.
back to Joe Euro Music page
New Arrivals and Rare, Hard to obtain Wines at The Wine Seller®
to “new Arrivals” and “Rare Wines” page
New Vintages of Leonetti and Quilceda Creek. Those of you who know about these wines, they are the top two “Cult Wines” of Washington State, and some of the most sought after as well.
Your local Wine Seller® , besides keeping our prices on these quite fair (especially when purchased as part of a 1/2 or mixed/whole case, or you’re a current Wineaux Club member) gets a fairly decent allocation of these wines (more than many shops, but shhh..don’t tell them…it’ll only make them jealous). Of course, you will rarely if ever see these wines at Safeway, QFC, Costco, Trader Joe’s, BevMo, Total Wines etc. etc. and the like.
These wines are fairly strictly allocated to well-established bottle shops, like The Wine Seller ®, and “White Table Cloth” restaurants only, as a rule. It generally takes years to get on the lists of these wineries, and then you have quantity purchase requirements, shipping costs, and if you ever decline your year’s shipment, you’re off the list and at the bottom again.. So Wine Not pick up a few bottles of these legendary wines while they are in stock.
We do have some back vintages as well, at slightly higher prices, of course.
Many other rare Washington wines in as well. Five Star Cellars; Walla Walla Vintners; Long Shadows Wines; Forgeron; Dubrul Vineyards; Buty and many more.
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Still have older vintages Quilceda Creek Cabs available too. EXTREMELY LIMITED on all these legendary, rare Washington Reds. Just recently brought a bottle of “09 Quilceda to El Gaucho inSeattle…gave ataste to the somme who waxed poetic over it…as well he should!

* Full Wineaux Gregarious club discounts are 17% off if paid by cash or check.
We list the Full Wineaux Club Discounts to illustrate what your actual cost is or could be, when you are a current member of our Wineaux Gregarious Discount Club, and pay with cash or check.
Wineaux Gregarious Members receive 14% off with credit cards and debit cards. debit (we’re working on getting a better deal on debit cards, but discovered those fees are still too high to be able to offer the “Full Wineaux Discounts” with, all the swipe fees, coupled with “bank interchange fees” that we noticed coming out every month)
(No SALES TO OTHER RETAILERS OR WHOLESALERS, sorry, we know there are some incredible prices and wines here, but Washington State Liquor Laws limit us to only sell to individuals and some Restaurants on a very restricted basis)
Other discounts for non Wineaux Club members are:
10% off for 1/2 case(6 bottles)
15% off for whole or mixed cases (with cash or check)
12% off for mixed/whole cases paid for by credit cards or debit cards.
The Wine Seller® was established in November 1982, in Port Townsend, Washington, by Joe Euro. For the whole story of the Wine Seller read more.
Because of The Wine Seller‘s® long history in the industry, its inventory depth ranges from excellent value wines in all price ranges to rare and often highly allocated wines. The Wine Seller features many of these wines in our
1st & 3rd Fridays Wine Tastings
(October through June)
held right at the store.
The schedule can be found on the tasting page
Glossary of wine terminology (click)
we are basically suspending most out of state shipping until further notice…laws have changed, compliance rules have become much more opaque and fees have gotten expensive. Washington used to be what’s called a “Reciprocal State’..whereas if they can ship to us, we can ship to their state…that all went out the window in the last year, and Washington State is no longer a “Reciprocal state when it comes to shipping… we know…there are big online retails that seem to afford all the compliance fees, taxes and rules…we’re looking into it here
WE SHIP TO SOME STATES* (BUT it’s getting more complicated though…)
The Wine Seller® has been shipping wine to most states for years now. We are an approved Wine Shipper with Fedex. An adult signature will be required at the receiving point.
to shipping page
*where we can and cannot legally ship may change at any time due to the constantly changing regulations of each state

Parking seldom a problem near The Wine Seller
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The WINE SELLER® stocks many premium beers, gourmet cheeses (made locally and beyond), premium coffees by Pegasus, and fine chocolates. More detailed information on the products page.
Truffle Salt, Fennel Salt (Joe’s personal fave!) Various nuts, truffles, spiced and/or smoked, Balsamic from Italy !! Salami, Smoked Duck Breast and Duck liver mousse Pate’, Cheese & Crackers, Pegasus Coffee, Chocolates, including our exclusive Cabernet Filled Truffles!! Yes, we’ve carried a fine selection of unique gourmet food items for years…!! Cheers!

Aged Balsamic, Truffle oil, Fennel and Truffle Salts, Spanish Almonds and Sardines…
We carry an Amazing assortment of Chocolate Truffles and Bars
The WINE SELLER’S® Founder, Joe Euro, puts together small group journeys, working with tour companies such as The Enthusiastic Traveller, and/or French Barge/land combo Adventures Joe puts together himself… to take friends, customers and adventurous travelers on fantastic and remarkable Small Group Journeys. only 8 passengers and crew!!
If you’ve got 6 people that want to do a French Barge trip, contact Joe to have him put it together for you, pilot the barge, make all arrangements, rent the boat, rent the house, rent the cars, pay for all fuel, moorage, insurance, and most food and wines*, museum and site admissions and regional guides if needed, etc. etc.
Stop by the shop or call 360-385-7673
Joe Euro Travel
our next upcoming “Small Group Journey”
Puglia…However, this trip is now filled.
Stay tuned for more exciting, upcoming tours with The Wine Seller’s Joe Euro
Joe also helps promote his wife Katy’s lovely Riverside Cottage in Plain…in Eastern Washington! Near Leavenworth
Katy’s Riverside Cottage..right on the Wenatchee River. in the shade of the tall pines…close to both downhill and cross country skiing!
Katy’s Riverside Cottage is the perfect spot for a romantic getaway (
Chelan County Short Term Rental Permit # 000112

The beautiful Wenatchee River…and Katy’s Riverside Cottage is a short drive to Lake Wenatchee State Park and Fish Lake…bring your inflatable raft or inner tubes in warm months…There’s some recommended places to “Put In'” up the road a few miles…in winter months, Katy’s is close to both downhill and cross country skiing too!!

Katy’s Riverside Cottage in beautiful Plain, WA Near Leavenworth Chelan County Short Term Rental Permit # 000112 Airbnb
Nearby Bavarian-Style Village of Leavenworth seen here all lit up in winter and holidays...
Chelan County Short Term Rental Permit # 000112
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The Wenatchee River flowing by and a Big Weber Gas Grill for your gourmet delights...AirBnB VRBO Chelan County Short Term Rental Permit # 000112